|27| Distraction

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"Good class," your uncle says with a smile as he lets everyone head home. Some parents wanted to talk to him so he went to talk to them while you were changing out of the karate uniform.

When you were done, you let your hair go and walk out of the bathroom, "Hey," you hear behind you. You turn around to see the guy that you have embarrassed in front of everyone. The first one as you have embarrassed a few others.

The one you called a Doll Face.

You watch him walks up to you, he was taller but you didn't move out of place. It's just the both of you so you have no one to impress nor any expectations to hold. Whatever happens here is between the bth of you. 

"Listen, I want to apologize," he says which surprised you because you usual get a threat or something similar to it, "What I did back there with the others was not cool. Sensei made his point and we learned our lesson. I wanted to apologize for underestimating you," he says and you smile gently.

"It's fine. You wouldn't be the first one who has and I can understand you underestimating me. I mean, men are generally stronger than women. It's alway going to be like that because of genetics and that's how the human body progress over the years. The only thing that makes us women stronger in some way are the technics we use and our capability to deal with pain," you tell him and he scratches the back of his head.

"Yeah, I guess," he says, "But, um, can I get your number?" he ask nervously.

It surprised you. You did not expect this, "S-Sorry. I have a boyfriend," you tell him and he nods and looks away while saying 'of course she has' under his breath.

"Yeah, of course. Well, bye," he says as he gives you a light wave and then walk away. 

You head back as you take a deep breath wondering if that just happened. When you walked in, you notice how your father and uncle were talking about something. You signal your uncle how you were going to place the uniform on the table. He nods and gets back to the conversation with your father.

You grab your phone as you sit down on a chair. You noticed how Oikawa have texted you.

Giggles: Hey, sorry for not responding. I was at my uncle's dojo. I still am but my uncle and dad are talking about whatever they're talking about.

Now you just had to wait for a response which wasn't long.

My Alien: No worries and Dojo? Is your whole family martial art masters or something?

You couldn't help but laugh a little.

Giggles: I wouldn't say martial art masters. My uncle here yes. I have another one from my mom's side who is as well. My grandfathers are too but they just mostly know how to fight.

My Alien: Please remind me to never make you cry or piss you or your family off.

You couldn't help but giggle once again.

Giggles: Oh! I wanted to let you know that someone asked me for my number a few minutes ago.

My Alien: Obviously. I'm not surprised someone did but as long as they weren't as handsome as me and that you said no than there's honestly nothing to really worry.

You couldn't help but have this smile on your face. Most boyfriends would get angry by this but Oikawa didn't even seem surprised by it. 

Giggles: I told him that I have a very handsome man as my boyfriend.

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