|97| Sleepover

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"Hey, mom," you say as you pull her away from a performance at Mark's school.

"Yes, honey?" she says as she looks at you.

"Ena is having a sleepover at her house today. Would it be okay if I can spend the night at her place? I mean, tomorrow is a weekend," you point out which has your mother thinking and she's heading to a strong no until your father over heard and place his hand on your mother's shoulder.

"You can go," your father says which made your mother look at her husband.

"What?" your mother questions his decision.

"She can go. It's a sleepover. It's fine. She'll be safe," your father assure and you mother grins her teeth but then sighs.

"Fine. Give her your car keys," your mother tells him and he takes out his car keys and hands them to you, "Go get your things from home. All you need and then head back here. You're going to take a few pictures with your brother and sister and cousins and then you can head over to your friend's place," your mother instruct and you nod as that's fair.

"I'll walk you to the car," your father says and you nod once again.

You and your father head to the car together which feel a little awkward as you keep remembering how you cried and confessed how you felt to him.

"Where are you going really?" your father ask you which surprised you.

"Ena'S house--"

"You can like to your siblings, (Name). You can lie to your mother and you can lie to me but don't lie to yourself, where are you really going?" he ask you and you look the other way, feeling a little guilty as you didn't want to lie but needed to.

"I want to go see Toru..." you confess.

"And spend the night at his place?" your father ask as he has talked to his mother at school. The situation has been explained and everyone understands but your father heard from Toru's mother that she and her husband will be out of town for a few days.

you don't answer as you look the other way, ready to hand him back his car keys but he place's a hand on the top of your head. Your father gently smiles, "I trust you, (Name). If you need to be with him then go to him," he says softly and you go to hug your father.

"Thank you," you whisper.

After that, you got inside the car and drove back home as you father watches you go. He then head back to his wife, "I can't believe you said she can go after what happened yesterday," your mother lectures.

"Calm down--"

"How can I calm down knowing that the bastard who has hurt my daughter is here and was seen at my daughter's school. I'm afraid he's going to do something to (Name)--"

"Hey, hey," your father says to calm her down, "I want to protect (Name) to. I'm worried about her too but we have to trust her. We can't lock her up. She'll feel suffocated. We'll lose her that way. She knows she has her family but she also need her friends. You have to remember she's eighteen and not five," your father reminds her which made your mother take a deep breath.

She knows he's right but to her, you'll alway be her baby girl and nothing is going to change that.




"Hey," you hear Toru's voice on the phone as you're in your father's car.

You have your things and they're in the passenger seat in your father's car as you're in the driver's seat. "Am I calling at a bad time?" you ask as you know it's school hour for him.

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