|40| Eldest In Both Side

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"I...I'm sorry for what happened back in music class. I was so out of character," Anna says, sounding very apologetic but you knew she wasn't. She's doing this for Oikawa, "And sorry for pushing you away like that and calling you a cheater. It's just... I care about Oikawa a lot and I don't want to see him hurt," Anna says which made you take a deep breath and smile.

Two can play.

"It's an honest mistake," you tell her as you side hug Oikawa. Your hand on his waist as his was on your shoulder, hugging you back with a smile while placing his head on top of yours, "I know you care about Oikawa, you are like a sister to him and want to make sure he's okay," you says with a smile which made her bench her fist, "I understand, I would be like that with my brother's future girlfriend but at the same time I wouldn't jump to conclusions. Cheating is something I'm absolutely not capable of doing. I'm loyal," you tell her  and then you felt a peck on your forehead.

"Alright, now that we're all okay and that everything is forgiving lets head back," Oikawa says with a smile, "And I missed you Anna. I'm glad you apologized. I was starting to miss my sister," he says with a smile which made you smile even brighter because you knew that those words hurt Anna.




"The woman in the picture is indeed (Your Full Name)," Joon, your cousin, says on the news that you, your family and practically everyone that's watching. He's back in Korea, standing in front of the press with his group members next to him.

They were seven in the group and a pretty new group that quickly got famous because of their talents and good looks. It's a boy band and Joon is the youngest but also the leader of the group which is hard to believe as leaders are normally the eldest or one of the eldest member of the group, not the youngest. 

Joon has already sent out a statement clearing everything up but he still has to talk in front of the cameras. Your family is watching the statement with english subtitles to understand what he's saying as he's talking in Korean.

"She's my cousin who's older than me by a few months. My father and hers are brothers. We weren't alone, my other cousin, Yuji Terushima, was there with us that day and we were hanging out, catching up," Joon states as he wants to clear up this misunderstanding.

"Is there any question?" he ask and that's when the questions started to pill up but he started to answer then one by one. "I would very much appreciate to keep my family private as I don't want reporters bothering them with their quiet life," he say honestly, "I also didn't want to base my success with my families name. We, the members and myself, all have talents and work our way to achieve our goals using our talents and not our family name so I do hope you can all respect that," Joon ask of them and the millions of fans he has.

"Joon, you're only eighteen years old," a reporter says, "You're the leader of group and the youngest member. The group is quite new. Did you go to Japan to see your family for support? Being young and the leader of the band must be a lot of pressure on you. (Your Full Name) became quit known at a very young age and even a sort of idol back in the U.S. She was also known to be quite a young and powerful leader. Known to be a protector of the People. Queen of The People she was called. Are you by any chance trying to be her?" the reporter ask as she wants to create some sort of drama.

"We're here to talk about the dating scandal," the manager says as he doesn't want things to get out of hand., "They're just cousins, family. So--"

"No, it's okay," Joon says with a gentle smile. The manager nods and backs up, "To answer the questions... The answer is yes and no. Yes, I went to Japan to visit my family to ask them for support or advice. The members and I, we have all worked hard to be a group. We sang, rap, danced... We went on shows, did performances and did our best to be recognized. And when we finally were told we were a group, we were incredibly happy but there was the choice of the leadership and they suggested me which we talked about and agreed on," Joon explains nervously.

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