|39| Cheating?

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"What happened to you?" Iwaizumi ask as he looks at Ena who's outside by the sinks, watering her face.

Ena turns off the water and takes off her jacket to clean up her face. She then looks at Iwaizumi who's eyes widen as the sight of it. Ena's lip is bruised, her cheek his red... She look like she got into a fight.

"What happened to you?" Iwaizumi ask again as he walks up to her to touch her face but Ena smacks it away as she sighs.

"None of your business. I'm not in no mood to deal with jokes. I need to go put some makeup on," Ena says as she walks back inside the school. Iwaizumi follows her inside and sees her use her jacket to cover her head and face.


"Everyone knows I'm weird. They won't think much if they see me like this," Ena says as she knew his question but what she didn't know was that Iwaizumi takes the jacket off her head which made her look at him to then feel another jacket on her head and it wasn't hers.

"What are--"

"You're jacket is wet and probably dirty so use mine. It's bigger either way," Iwaizumi says as he stops her, "I'll go get your bag and you can head to the washroom to save you from the embarrassment of walking to your class with a jacket on your head and walking weird," he tells her.

"No," she says, "Bring me my bag where you found me. By the outside sinks," Ena tells him and then turns around to head back. Iwaizumi smiles as he watches her head back. He then walks to her class and gets her bag and then makes his way back.

When Ena got back she took off the jacket off her head, It smells like him... she says to herself but then she shakes her head and lower Iwaizumi's jacket. Her face hurt and it was taking a while for Iwaizumi to get back so she was going to check what was taking do long until he finally showed up.

"What took you so long?" Ena ask as she takes her bag and jacket from his hand and then give back his.

"What happened to you? Did someone hit you?" Iwaizumi ask as he ignores her question. But Ena doesn't listen to him and takes out her makeup from her bag. It made Iwaizumi wonder why she carries makeup around.

He never wears it.

Has this sort of thing happened before?

Iwaizumi walks up to her and stops her from putting on makeup to cover up the bruises.

"What?" Ena says angrily but she also sounded like she's in pain.

"We should first clean it up," Iwaizumi tells her gently as he shows her what he got from the infirmary.

"So that's why you were taking so long," Ena says as she looks at it. She look back at him and sighs, "Alright, fine," she says as she sits down on the ground.

Iwaizumi sits down next to her and start dealing with her injuring, "I haven't see Kenji around lately," he says which made Ena chuckle.

"Maybe because I punched him and told him to stay away from me," Ena says with a small flinch as she felt the pain of the cream to her bruise.

"Did he do this to you?" Iwaizumi ask as he hold back his anger but also not asking why she punched him which made her smile.

"Weird right? He said how much he likes me to later trying to force me to sleep with him and then acting out on it but this is all I got. You should see him," Ena says with a bright smile to hide her pain.

"He what!?" Iwaizumi was going to get up to find him but Ena grabs his hand and makes him sit back down.

"Easy now," she says, "You can't go getting angry for me. I dealt with it already. He already said goodbye to any chances of having kids in the future, that's for sure but seriously, stop acting like that," she tells him as she takes her makeup.

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