|69| I'm Fine

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"For the last time, Ena. I'm fine," you tell her with a smile as she lays her head on your shoulder while hugging your arm.

"You left me alone yesterday, you bitch," Ena says which made you laugh.

"I apparently I don't exist," Iwaizumi comments as he eats his lunch. He's sitting next to Toru who's sitting in front of you as Ena is sitting next to you. She has been stuck next to you since you drive to school. Next to Ena we have Yuna, Jen and Kiko. Next to Iwaizumi we have the secret couple. 

Anna no where to be seen which is worrying you. 

In the morning, you went looking for Toru and when he saw you, he hugged you tightly which you found cute but at the same time, there was something off about him. The way he's hugging you was as if he's afraid to let you go, to lose you... You have felt this sort of hug before but you just couldn't understand why. You just thought that maybe you're overthinking things.

And thought the day, all the way to lunch, something was going on with Toru and you wanted to talk to him and ask him if everything is okay or if something is up but with Ena being with you and not knowing the situation, it was hard.

"I'm sorry, your majesty," you says with a smile as you feed Ena your lunch. She eats it with a smile, "Ena is slowly becoming Jen 2.0," you point out which cause Ena to pinch you and you yelp and gently hit the back of Ena's head. She giggles.

"Great, one down and the whole world to go," Jen comments with a thump up and Kiko slaps her hand away.

"One Jen is enough," Kiko says as she takes bite of her food.

Everyone just starts talking and laughing about whatever. Toru looks at you and sees how you're just moving your food around and how you raise the food close to your lips and then start talking to put it back down. It seems like you're eating but you aren't. You're just feeding your food to Ena and setting the food on the side to make it look like you're eating.

Toru haven't even seen you take a bite of your food which is making him wonder, has he ever? Yes, he has but those were only a few bites and then your food went to Jen or Ena. He's amazed hw you were able to play this off. And he felt like an idiot for not noticing sooner. 

But the dates he has had with you, he has seen you alway finishing your food but then you would smile and tell him you had to go to the bathroom. He really hopes this is just all wrong and he's overthinking things and that what Anna gave him is all made up.


"Oh great, everyone is here," Anna says as she stands behind you. Everyone looks at her while you tense up a little as you have a really bad feeling. You gently turn around to look at her to see her with a kind of smile that you know knows mean no good. She has something planned. You can see it in her eyes.

And usually, you would to as you would want to be prepared for anything but with your memories back, everything is just messed up and you're scared. Faking on being okay and that nothing is wrong is getting harder. Having Toru hug you, smelling the food around you, hearing the loud talks, the noises, all of it. You want it to stop or for it to go away. It's too much and you feel sick.

You feel like vomiting.

"Oh," Anna says as she leans down a little to look at you which made you move your head back a little as you wonder what she's doing.

"Anna, haven't you heard of personal space?" Ena ask her as tries to get Anna way for you.

But Anna just smiles and looks at Ena and then back at you, "Yeah but something caught my interest," Anna says as she looks at the side of your neck and that's when you eyes widen as you knew what she's going to say.

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