|106| She's Gone

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"She needs at least a month rest," the doctor suggest as he finished up in putting on your wrist cast and taking off the walking cast you have for you ankle so now you just have two cast and crutches.

He takes his things and then bows. You give him a nod and he soon leaves. 

You're in the living room in this beautiful home with an amazing view of the ocean. It's been four hours since you felt with Tyler. The car ride was long and you notice that the chauffeur had a gun. You didn't say anything and got inside the car with Tyler. You sat down next to her, lay on his shoulder as he had and arm around your shoulder as his other hand holds your none-injured hand.

You feel asleep on his shoulder as you were just tiered of everything but then you woke up. Tyler apologized for waking you up. You said it was nothing until you got out o the car to find a plan. Anna was there. 

She did does look different. Tyler helped you on the plane. Everyone got on and as you sat down on a chair, you notice a man handing Tyler a gun which terrified you but you made sure to stay expressionless.

You were also surprised that Anna haven't said a single word to you. You still had no idea where you were going until you notice the island. 


Now you're staying at a very fancy resort. Anna got a doctor who is truth-worthy under Tyler's command to check on your wrist. He knew about it but he also asked for the walking cast to come off as he said you don't need to walk. That he'll be there to help you.

You didn't argue and just peeked his cheek, knowing that it's going to make him happy.

"Hey, babe," Tyler says as he gets off the phone. You look at him, "I have to get going. I'll be back in a few hours. The chef will make you something to eat and fresh clothing will be here soon for you to change into. Make sure to go to sleep early, tomorrow is going to be a new day," he tells you and you nod.

"Be safe," you tell him as you knew that he's going to be doing something illegal. That phone. call he received did not look pleasant and you know him being possession of a gun isn't good either.

Tyler smiles as he walks to you, lean down and peck your lips, "I just have to take care of a few things. We'll be here until things start to settle down and then we'll go do everything we dreamed of," he says which confused you for a second.

"You mean as what we talked about years ago?" you ask and Tyler nods as he smiles.

"Yes, I have it all prepared. We'll go see it all," he says and you smile as you let out a giggle.

"Okay," he pecks your lips once again and then leaves before stopping when he reached Anna and telling her to keep an eye on you and that nothing should happen to you.

You stayed seated and look at the view as the room goes quiet. You wondered how everyone is doing but you knew pretty well that they'Re looking for you, ignoring the letter maybe even hiding it from the police so that they can continue to say it's a kidnapping and not you leaving consensually.

And as you're eighteen, an adult, you have the right to leave.

"Stop doing that," Anna finally spoke. You look at her and watch her walk towards you, grab a chair and take a seat in front of you, "Seriously, what do you get out of peeling your own skin?" She ask which cause you to look down at your hands that were on your lap.

You're peeling off your skin once again without knowing, "It was a form of self-harm years back," you tell her as you look at one of the guard, wondering if you can ask something from them as you knew Anna wouldn't do anything you ask. The guard got the message and left the room to get a band-aid, "But soon," you continue at you look at Anna as you raise your bloody finger to your mouth so that you can clean up the blood, "It just became a bad habit," you tell her.

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