|82| Oh My God. Yes!

529 22 9

Yuna hands you a drink and you take it, "Toxic relationship? Please, as if Toru would have the guts to put a finger on me like that," you try to change up the subject a little, pretending you don't know what she's talking about.

"Many know what my mom does for a living," Yuna says as she stands next to you, looking at the ocean.

"She owns a beauty store or something like that, right?" you ask as you look at her while bringing the drink to your lips but before drinking it, you took a little sniff. There's alcohol. 

"Yeah," Yuna says as she drinks from her cup, "However, what others don't know is what my father does for a living," Yuna says as she looks at you. She watches you drink form the cup and how the alcohol didn't bother you, not even a little bit.

"Business man?" you ask and Yuna laughs.

"No," she says, "He's helps with domestic abuse, violence, basically all of the above services. Well, he has created houses, hired woman and just created same places for those that are living in a domestic abuse environment," Yuna tells you.

"Unexpected but that's nice of him," you say softly and Yuna nods.

"Yeah, I admire my dad for it. I once asked him why he does it," Yuna says as she takes another sip, "I mean, stereotypically, it's meant to a job for a woman and if he wanted to help, maybe being a police officer or security or something like that would be better how you know how Japan's standards are," Yuna did have a point.

"So why does he do it?" you ask.

Yuna smiles, "Because he experienced it first hand," she tells you and you look at her confusedly. You haven't met her father personally but you have seen him a few times during volleyball matches as he would sometime be there to cheer for Yuna and he seemed like a very nice guy.

"He's been in an abusive relationship?" you ask and Yuna chuckles lightly.

"Not really," she says with a shrug, "My grandmother was and he has to watch his mother get beaten by his father when he was a kid. He told me about it and said how he hated it. He has also told me the amount of time they would leave and how his mother would alway go back to his father," Yuna sighs.

"An abusive relationship is fundamentally about power and control," you mention as you look at the ocean. The sun is going down. It's honestly a beautiful sunset, "It's about breaking down the victim's self-worth and agency in order to control them. Abusers want to ensure that leaving isn't an option by fostering a victim's belief that this is all they deserve, or that no one else would want them... There's manipulation. Wanting to believe things will get better. Hope. Believing there's love. For everything that goes wrong, the victims blames themselves..." Yuna looks at you and see how expressionless you are at the moment. 

She watches you raise the drink t your lip and finish it.

"Trauma bonding..." Yuna says and you look at her, "You have no idea how many women, children, teens, men... I have met so many victims and tried to help them to watch them go back to their abusers and sometimes get better. I have seen the signs. I have heard their stories... Cried a fee times too," Yuna's voice is soft and gentle. You don't know how to explain it but it made you want to cry.

"It's like a drug..." you whisper, "You don't want it but need it."

"You know the saying that you, you can't help someone who isn't willing to help themselves," Yuna ask but you don't know, however, you knew where this going. 

She knows.

Maybe not about Tyler but she knows that something is going on with you. She started off telling you about her father's job in a way of letting you know that she can help. That is there's anything that going on, she can help you or at least get the help you need.

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