|105| She'll Alway Chose Him

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"That's us," Zayn says as he hears the band's name being announced as well as the school's, "Ready?" he ask and everyone nods with a smile.

They all step to the stage while you stayed a second behind, the nerves were getting to you as well as the problems you have been facing but then you felt a hand on your back and for a second, just a second, you believed it was Toru.

But as soon as you turned around, you noticed Tyler instead. He's dressed up as a staff. He even has a mask and hat on to cover himself, "Be my Songbird. My beautiful Siren," he tells you and you nod as you force a smile.

You step forward and make it to the stage. The light is bright and you watch as everyone gets to their places. You stand in front of the microphone and look at the audience. When you first entered, there was a lot of people but now, about thirty percent left, maybe for a breather or to clear their thoughts. 

Some songs have been repeated multiple times like you have theories before because of how popular those songs were. Even the judges look like they were about to fall asleep any time soon but continue to look professional as they can.

A staff member walks in and hands the judge the band's information such as each person who is going t perform and their role in the band and what song they'll be performing. The is three judges. Two woman and a man. The man is sitting on the left while the other two woman is in the middle and right.

They look through the paper and where surprised by the song which let him be observant of what the group is wearing and that caught their interest.

"Alright, whenever you're ready," the male judge says.

You look around the audience and found your family as well as your bandmates. Your classmates were here as were theres. Some teachers even showed up to show support. Mrs. Yang is even here and you couldn't help but show her a smile when you both made eye contact.

You look up as there were two floors and that's when you saw him.


He's here? you ask yourself as you wonder if your eyes were playing tricks on you.

But they weren't.

And that's when you told yourself you were going to need to give out the best performance. One that will be memorable. After all there's a reporter here making comments on the performance and everyone reactions. This is going to be on television.

You hear Zayn make the count down and then you hear Lucas playing the piano which was soon joined by the others and then you started to sing which got some of the audience to wake up as the chosen song was unexpected.

No one has done and anime opening yet. An opening which is very commonly known.

When you reach to a share of pace in the song, you grab the microphone with your hand and move around as you sang to get everyone's attention. Yasmine sang the back vocals when needed which, as alway, sounds amazing.

Everyone is given their 200% in this as they want to get first place in the first round as only the top three get to move on to the next round.

And it worked. The way everyone played and the way you sang, it had the audience smiling and nodding their heads, not to mention that your classmates and family were singing to the lyrics. It's hard not to when you know the iconic lines.

You have even noticed how the kids in the audience had their right fist place on their chest as their left hand is hand their back. Some of them where even standing which made you smile. You gave them a wink and showed off your cape.

And then the solo comes through.

You walked back to the middle of the stage to place the microphone back on its stand and then you turned around to show off the bandmates and to also show that it's their time to shine. First is Zayn with the drums which most of the male kids loved and found cool. You look at the judge and saw them enjoying themselves. You look at the reporters with a smile on her face.

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