|87| He Hates You

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"Stop crying," Erik says with a soft chuckle as he wipes your tears with his thump.

"You punched him..." you whisper.

You're both inside Erik's grandparents house. His mother, Katrina, is in the kitchen making some food. You and Erik are in the guest bedroom to talk. Katrina left Erik the job to calm you down while she prepares something for her parents-in-law and for the guest that will be arriving shortly.

"Well, to be fair, after everything he did to me, a punch is sort of fair," Erik tells you, "But it just didn't feel as good as I imagined so kicking his face and hearing the breaking sound of his nose felt amazing. Not to mention his ribs as well," Erik tells you as he tries to make you laugh and it worked.

You giggle and that made him smile. "You beat Anna up," you says with a sniff as you were calming down.

"I ain't afraid to hit no bitch," Erik says proudly and that had you laughing as you then let out a yawn.

At school, after walking away from Toru, you were still outside but walk around the school outside. You found a place where Toru wouldn't be able to see you not any other students and you broke down crying there. 

Doing that hurt you. You truly did love him and walking away from him like that, because you're scared.... It hurts you so much but you're scared. You rather hurt him than watch him die. You lean on the wall as you fall on the ground. Your lack touching the wall as you cry. A few minutes past and you take out your phone. You got to your gallery and look at the photos Toru has taken of you both together or of himself. You see the photos you have taken yourself and you couldn't help but smile and cry a little more. You felt helpless and terrified.

You felt alone and empty.

But you knew you had to quickly move on and be able to put on the greatest act. But then... That's when you heard it.

There's a my beautiful bird....

As soon as you heard it, you felt sick and terrified to your core. You quickly stood up and wipe your tears and then face the person who you haven't seen for over two years....

There he is... Tyler. He grew a few inches taller than the last time you saw him. His hair is short and muscles more built up. They say that prison can change a person completely and you have no idea what it has done to Tyler but right now, Tyler isn't that gay who was seventeen-soon-to-be-eighteen... No, this man here is an adult. A twenty-two year old man.

You forced a smile a soon as you saw him and your body moved on it own. You ran towards him and jumped into his arms. He spins you around and then hugs you back tightly by also telling you how much he missed you while you trying to control your shakiness, the fear, the sick feeling in your stomach.

This is to protect them... you told yourself.

Tyler pulls back as you did and you both connected your lips together. Between the kisses, Tyler would tel you how much he missed you and how great it feel to have you back in his arms. You just repeated the words. You said what he wanted to hear.

You had no other choice. You both then looked at each other as he held your hand. He told you that you both had to get going. To go on that runaway trip you both discussed when you were just teens.

You said okay.

But then Tyler was suddenly pulled away and punched across the face. Tyler falls on the ground as it was unexpected. Your eyes widen when you saw Erik with a pissed off look. You watch Erik yells at Tyler to stay the fuck away from you as he kicked him in the face, breaking the man's nose and then kicking him in the chest, not caring if it killed him or not.

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