|85| Let's Break Up

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Like your father said, he took care of it. He was able to talk to your principal and deal with the situation. Soon the teachers should say that it's all fake news to the students. Your father also made a few phone calls because knowing reporters, they'll try to dig up things they shouldn't and expose it to the world just so that they can get a promotion. 

But just because you're told something isn't true when it's on the internet, not everyone will take their word for it...

You and Jia-Li were sent to class while your father stays in the office to discuss things with the principal. Luckily, you and Jia-Li won't be kicked out of school because of these "rumours" on the internet. Your mother is Mark's school, talking to his principal about the situation but as it's not a big deal for Mark as the article and main subject is about you, Mark is mostly put aside except the fact that Mark can get violent if anyone were to insult his sisters in anyway.

You asked Jia-Li to give you back your phone and she does after asking you how you were feeling. You just sighed and told her you were used to it. That there's no difference from two years ago or when you attention school in California. When the issue with Tyler started to get worst. 

It's just a repeated cycle and that at this point, the only thing this is going to affect you is your future as where you're planing on going for university back home. Having these rumours can make it difficult.

You and your sister both went your separate ways. Before walking inside your classroom, you took a deep breath so that you can calm yourself. You don't want to panic but you absolutely hate how you're the main talk.

You knock on the door to hear the teacher say come in. Once you open the door, just to your luck, the teacher is the teacher who hates you for absolutely no reason, Tsubaki-sensei.

"You're late," Tsubaki-sensei points out. You clench your fist tightly as you knew what she's trying to do. Everyone thought you wouldn't show up to class. They know what's going on. They all read the article and now, classroom is filled with whispers. You can't hear what they're saying but you know for a fact the conversation is about you and what's on the article. You don't want to be here.

You want to go home.

You want to cry.

You hate this.

"You know," Ena speaks up which has everyone looking at her. You do too, "You were outside trying to take care of the reporters with the other Sensei's. You knew why they were here. You saw (Name)'s father walk in and take both of her daughter to the office to discuss the rumours which everyone here knows are fake and so note true as someone published it online. So obviously, she's going to be late or get to head home early. As a teacher and adult, you should know better than to guilt trip someone who's going through something," Ena says which honestly almost made you cry but when you made eye contact with her, she gives you a reassuring smile.

Thank you, you mouth and she just smiles brightly. You walk to your seat while Tsubaki-sensei looks at you and Ena angrily. "Back to what I was saying, if everyone can look at the board," Tsubaki does the smart thing and just goes back to teaching while you place your arms on your desk and place your forehead on them.

"(Name)," Tsubaki says which cause you to raise your head to look at her, "I understand you're tired but that gives you no reason for why you should not pay attention to what I'm teaching," she lectures.

And honestly, you don't have the strength to talk back to her, "You're right, I'm sorry," you apologize with a smile. Ena was about to open her mouth to talk back but you kick her chair to tell her to not do anything.

Ena looks at you as you just shake your head. Ena nods and looks back at the board so that she doesn't get into trouble. You take out your notes and start writing down what Tsubaki-Sensei is writing on the board.

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