|7| Hit Me

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"I'm going to get something from the cafeteria," Ena tells you as you took your lunch out and place it on your desk. You nod as you watch her take her wallet out of her bag. She gives you a wave and walk out of the classroom to get herself something to eat.

You, on the other hand, decided to eat in the classroom this time as you were going to eat with Ena. You would offer to go with her but you have noticed Iwazumi walking by and heading to the cafeteria and as any good friend, you wanted to leave them to meet and talk for a little.

Just as you were about to take a bit of your meal but also not knowing that a certain person was making there way towards you, someone runs down the halls and into your classroom. She got everyone's attention and she looks around your class and once she saw you, she smiles brightly as she was relief to see you.

"Oh, thank god. I found you," she says in English as she rushes to you as if it was the end of the world and everyone just watches the scene befold.

They were all captivated by her beauty. Everyone then knew who the girl was, she's a first year but the first year that many students at this school are talking about. They say that she's almost more beautiful than Yuna who's a third year which is why when Yuna saw her run into the classroom to talk to you, it confused her.

"Lia..." you say as it was your sister. You were a little embarrassed by her entrance and not only embarrassed but also a little anxious. "You can't just come here to the third year section and just talk to me in English... People are looking," you lecture her in English as you try to hide yourself with covering your face from the other student.

"I don't care. It's not my fault they don't understand the language. I find speaking in English easier then speaking in Japanese," she tells you and you couldn't help but sigh at your sister's actions, "But that's not the point! I need you. Like right now," she says as she starts packing your lunch so that you can put it away.

"What?" you say as you were confused by what she's doing. Your sister grabs your arm and gets you to stand up.

"I really need your help with something, I messed up big time," she tells you nervously which still confused you.

"(Your Last Name)!" someone yells really loudly and next thing you knew, a third year walks in your class and everyone just moves to the side to let him in. You look at him while your sister hides behind you.

You got a little nervous and anxious and the third year male looks around until he sees your sister hiding behind your back, "(Your Last Name)," he says angrily as he walk towards you and your sister. 

You knew he was here for your sister and not for you but he clearly looks angry so you did what any sister would do, protect your little sister even though you were a little scared because of the eyes that are on you however you weren't scared of him.

Not any people know that you and Ji-Lia are sister so when he yelled out your last name, they thought he was yelling at you, "You little bitch, you--"

"Hey, watch it," Oikawa says as he places his hand on the male's shoulder to calm him down. He walked past you and Jia-Li, wanting to protect you like any person should, "You're embarrassing yourself right now and not to mention that you're making a big scene--"

"Stay out of it, Oikawa! It's none of your business," he tells him as he pushes Oikawa hand off him. "This is between me and her," he says pointing at your sister but it looked like he was pointing at you and everyone just looks at you.

"Let's just calm down okay?" you suggest, "Can we talk this out. We're third years so--"

"Shut the fuck up!" he yells as he walk up to you and pushes you to the side and grabs your sister's arm, "You're coming with me," he says and Ji-Lia's eyes widen. 

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