|56| Researching

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"What?" your mother says in disbelief.

"Sueko, it can't be that bad," your father argues as his little sister was showing your brain scans and x-rays. Your parents were in her office, seating in front of a see-though board that has the photos of your brain.

Sueko is talking in english for your mother to understand with what's going on with you because there's something that isn't right and that will cause trouble and that scares your parents, even Sueko.

"(Your Father's Name), I wish it wasn't that bad but it is. If you look here once again, this is the the neocortex and thalamus which are responsible for controlling the brain's imagination, along with many of the brain's other functions such as consciousness and abstract thought. Albert Einstein said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world."," Sueko says as she takes a seat at her chair which is in front of her brother and sister-in-law. Her desk being the only thing separating them.

"And how is her imagination in danger?" your mother ask confused.

"Imagination is something we're born with. It's how we're creative, it can be an experimental partition of the mind used to develop theories and ideas based on functions, the ability to imagine one's self in another person's place is very important to social relations and understanding. It can be in two classification involuntary as in dreaming or day-dreaming or voluntary as in reproductive or creative imagination or even the dream of perspective. But the thing is that very grows up with an imagination and (Name) is bright. Anxiety is also cause by imagination as she worry about what could happen so she makes scenarios," Sueko explains.

"Yes, (Name) has alway been creative. When it's making stories, doing art, working, dealing with though situations but what does that have to do? Like you said, we all grow up with imagination. It's how we have nightmares, imaginary friends, etc," your father argues.

"Precisely. But if you look on the other picture," Sueko gets up and walks to the board to point at another picture and a certain part of your brain, "These here. This is the amygdala, the hippocampus, the cerebellum, and the prefrontal cortex. They are the main parts of the brain that are involved with memory. (Name)'s memory," Sueko tells the.

"Imagination and the memory, aren't they quite the same?" your mother ask as she tries to calm down as she doesn't want to panic.

"The difference between these two cognitive capacities derives only from different levels of awareness. That is, while in imagination we are aware that we construct and modify reality, in memory we modify and construct without being aware of the process. However, our brains all work differently. Sometimes our imagination can influence our memory, create a whole scenario. Schizophrenia can be sort of an example. The mental illness loses touch of reality, just like our imagination, as a doctor, we say it's all in our heads. They're just scenarios we create but believe in," Sueko explains as best as she can.

"(Name)'s memory and imagination, is something going on with them?" your father ask and Sueko sighs as she takes her seat once again. She lightly nods.

"There may be a chance she could be experiencing a Dissociative Disorders but I don't know. All I see from here is that the more she moves on and lives without treatment, little by little, her memories will disappear and then be replaced with new ones that were created from her imagination," Sueko says and then she looks at her brother, "As you've told me before, yes, this procedure will get you back the (Name) we all know. She'll forget she even had anxiety. She'll be the bright, confident and talented we all known her to be, however! It won't last long, soon all her memories will be replaced and then replaced once again. Whenever she gets hurt, the memory will change and then she'll start seeing things and chances are, she could suffer from Schizophrenia as whenever something bad happens, she'll panic as she'll try to separate reality and imagination. She won't know what is what anymore and that could put her in danger," Sueko says with a light sigh.

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