|68| Depressed?

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"(Name), I can hear you practically breathing and sniffing like a dog," your mother says as her back is facing you. She's in the kitchen cooking and were in your room, on your bed, depressed until you smelled something delicious that cause you to get out of bed and head to the kitchen.

"Are you making (Your Favourite Dish)?" you ask her softly.

"Yes, now go take a seat," she tells you as it was almost ready and so, you walk to the family table that also has an access to the living room where the TV is to watch something and you notice how MammaMia is being played. You knew all the songs like the back of your hand.

It's a school day and your parents decided that it would be best for you to take the day off school to take in all the memories you have recovered. Your siblings went to school so the only ones at home right now is you and you mother as it's her day off.

Your eyes were a little puffy from all the crying last night but it did get you exhausted and got you to fall asleep but you woke up about two hours later because you had a nightmare. You went to your closet and found so many painting you made whenever you had a nightmare. It started when you had a hard time going back to sleep.

You now understood the meaning behind each painting. Before, it confused you and you just thought that you were being creative but instead, you were putting little hints about what your nightmares were about in the paintings.

You couldn't even take your shower and you felt too tired to change out of your uniform but you did and put on your comfortable clothing. You just wanted to stay in bed, the only time you left your room was to go to the bathroom because you couldn't hold it back anymore.

But when you smelled your mother's cooking, you got out of bed. It made you feel sick yet hungry at the same time. You couldn't help it. Your feet moved on it own and got you downstairs.

You started to hum to the intro of the song Lay All Your Love On Me and when they started singing, you sang along but with a calming tone which had your mother smiling.

"Don't go waisting your emotions. Lay all your love on me," your mother sang with power which had you looking at her with a smile. You giggle and sing with more emotion this time with her. After a few minutes, your mother walks to you and places a plate right in front of you which you thank her for. She hands you what you need to eat it and gets you something nice to drink with it.

And then you felt her place a hand on your forehead which went up to move your hair back and she leads down to kiss the top of your forehead and then place her cheek on top of your head, "How are you feeling, love?" your mother ask you softly.

"Better, thank you," you tell her as you feel like crying again and when you took a bit of your mother's cooking, a tear slipped which you wipe quickly but your mother noticed it. 

She pecks your forehead again, "You know that I love you more than anything in this world, right? You, Jia-Li and Mark. All three of you are my precious babies and you know I would do anything for all three of you because I love you," she tells you which got you crying again.

"I know," you knew. You know that so well. Your mother lets you go and pull back a chair to sit down next to you, "I know..." you whisper as you wipe your tears with your hands which now hurts as you have been doing that a lot yesterday.

"So you also know that I don't find you dirty, disgusted, or awful. You know that I don't see you as a failure or a disappointment. You are my daughter. My eldest daughter. My first child. My will of living. You, Jia-Li and Mark. No matter what you do, you know that no matter what, I am alway going to be proud of you and will always be your mother and by your side," she tells you and you got to hug her and cry on her shoulder.

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