|62| Trade?

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You gently wake up to the sound that's in the living room. You hear Hanako's voice and then Toru's. You let out a yawn as you sit up. You rub your eyes and look around to room as you were still half asleep but after a few seconds, you realize where you are and how you have fallen asleep.

The bedroom door open and you face it to see your boyfriend standing there with a surprise look on his face, "(Name)?" Toru says, wondering if his eyes are playing tricks on him. When you saw him, you had a small panic attack because you know you look tired and you were on his bed. You didn't tell him you were here so it's a surprise for him yet he looks happy to see you but he's wet.

You look at Toru's window, the curtains were closed but you can hear the rain outside. 

You wondered when it started to rain.

You look back at Toru, "Your mom invited me over for dinner. We wanted to surprise you which is why we didn't tell you I was here. I got a little tired so I sort of fell asleep, sorry," you tell him and Toru shakes his head as he drops his bag on the ground and then take off his uniform jacket.

He just leaves it on the ground and then make his way to you. He sits down on the bed and hugs you with a smile which cause you to fall back on the pillow. Toru's head was right under your neck. 

So basically, he's on top of you, hugging you with a smile. His wet hair touching your chin which does feel a little uncomfortable but tolerable. He's even placed in between of your legs as it's more comfortable that way.

Toru snuggles into your chess which made you giggle, "Congratulation on winning today's matches. I'm proud of you," you tell him with a smile as you gently run your fingers through his wet hair.

"I wished you were there watching me. I wanted to show off," he says with a pout.

"I'll be there in your next match which I believe is against Karasuno, right?" you ask him and he nods, "It should be interesting to watch. They're good and you shouldn't underestimate them. The first years aren't kids you should turn a blind eye on," you tell him and he sits up.

"You watched them play once," he says as you sit up as well.

"I know the assistant coach of the team. My father works with her dad and I sometimes go visit the work. She and I hang out sometimes and we talk about the teams. She even asked me about you and how to beat you," you giggle.

"You didn't tell her, did you?" he ask.

"Of course not but I did get to show off my boyfriend who is known as the Great King which was a nickname that the ginger of the team gave you," you inform him with a smile.

"Would that make you my Great Queen?" he ask with a smile that got you laughing.

"Toru, (Name)," Hanako says as she opens knocks on the door and then opens it to walk in. She sees you sitting on the bed with a smile and Toru sitting next to you with a smile as well. But he's wet from the rain and you seem to have gotten your shirt and skirt a little wet as well. [And not like that you sinners.]

Hanako sighs with a smile, "You couldn't help yourself, now can you Toru? She doesn't have any extra clothes," Hanako says which got Toru to chuckle as he doesn't regret it.

"It's fine, she can wear one of my shirt," he says as he gets up and walks to his drawers to pick out which shirt you should wear.

"No, it's okay. I'm okay," you say as you felt a little bit like a burden.

"Nonsense," Hanako says, "You're his girlfriend, you should want to wear his sweaters. I remember stealing my husband's sweater all the time back in my days. I still do now," she says with a giggle.

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