|100| More Than Enough

407 19 11

"Hey, how are you feeling?" you ask as soon as you answer your phone, seeing that it's Toru that's calling you. You have just finished getting ready for bed.

"Honestly, pretty shitty," Toru confesses which made you feel sad as you remember how Toru couldn't receive Karasuno's number ten spike.


"Arg!" Mark screams which cause you to look at your door. You walk to it and open it to see your brother across the hall, in his room with the door open, with his head set and game set.

"Everything okay?" Toru ask worriedly and you just chuckle.

"Yeah, that was just Mark. He's playing his game and currently raging," you tell him with a smile as you watch your brother looking at his screen with a pissed off expression. Mark moves around on his chair and leans forward as if he's about to destroy everyone in the game.

"Did someone take your kill again?" Jia-Li ask as she steps out of her room with her hair tied up into a bun with a fluffy headband and a face-mask on her face.

"These fucking bastards are taking my fucking kills! I'm getting points for assist when I'm doing all the fucking work! Like, what the absolutely motherfu---"

"Mark!" your mother screams loudly from the living room.

"Sorry!" Mark quickly apologizes and curses under his breath, "They're all dead," Mark declares.

"How can you kill your own teammates?" Jia-Li ask as she takes off her face mask and walk to her brother's room to check on his game.

"My taking them to traps. I don't need them!" Mark declares angrily which made Jia-Li laugh. You close your bedroom door and walk to you chair and take a seat.

"Sorry about that. Mark tends to rage a few times but just call out his name once and he'll go quiet," you explain to Toru who chuckles in the background.

"I can understand that," Toru says with a gentle smile as he looks at the sky. Right now, he's not at home but outside. He went out for a late night jug to ease his mind but then he saw a small cafe which is still open and it reminded him of when you and him came here after practice one day and just bought something warm to drink, sat down and talked.

He wanted to talk to you again so he called. He wanted to hear your voice. He loves and appreciate how you let him stay with his teammates after what happened today. He just adores you but now, he just wants to hear his girlfriend's voice.

"Would it be bad if I asked if we can meet up?" Toru ask hesitantly, thinking that your parents might say no.

"I would love that but let me go ask," you say. You place your phone down and ran out of your room and downstairs to the living room where you are your parents if you can go out and meet up with Toru. 

Your mother looks outside and see how it's dark and knowing that Tyler is still out there, she's scared but she looks at her husband who shows you a smile and tell you that he's okay with it but you can only go if your mother says it's okay.

So you look at your mother who sighs, "Be home before eleven. Text me when you get there and when you're coming back," your mother list and you nod and thank her.

You ran back to your room and grab your phone, "Yeah, where?" you ask him as you quickly check the time to see that it's almost 9pm.

"Would the cafe where we alway go to be okay?" Toru ask.

"Yeah, that would work. But I have to be home before eleven," you inform him.

"That's fine. And thank you," he says which made you smile and feel warm inside.

More Than Enough || Toru Oikawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now