|74| Forever

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[Three Years Ago (When you were 15)]

It was the evening. You're outside, looking at the view of the ocean from up a hill. No one really goes up there. It's safe but recommended not to go unless with company just in case of an incident. 

It's a nice place in all honesty. You really like it up here. The air and the breeze is just wonderful and you feel the calmest here. It's were you go to clear your mind. You have your earphone in, listening to one of your playlist which calms you down nicely. There's lyrics and old songs but they make you imagine beautiful things and give you some hope.

Your hair is short. You're wearing a sweater with a jacket and leggings. You have a little bruise on the corner of your lip as you were punched but it's been taken care of and the other person has it worst than you do.

"What are you listening to?" 

You felt the left ear piece being pull off. You look to your left to see who it is and that's when you saw him. He's wearing the a black shirt with the football team jacket with jeans. He has his hat on as well.

He takes a seat next to you as he put the left ear plug into his right ear which doesn't go in as you have the specific earplug which has a left and right side, "Wong side," he says as you look at him. He moves closer to you and put the left earplug to his left ear.

"Huh, I recognize this song from somewhere but can't pin point where," he says as you take out your phone to put a pause to your music. "No need to pause it," he says softly so you just look back at him, wondering what he's doing here.

"What are you doing here?" you ask as he takes the earplug off his ear and grab his hat. He then puts his hat on your head with a smile.

"I knew you would be here," he says as puts himself horizontale. You watch him play down and move around a little as he was moving some sticks away and then lay himself comfortably but he used your lap as a pillow.

"Missed me that much?" you ask with a smile as you gently place your hand on his head, gently running your fingers through his hair.

"You know I alway do. Whenever you're not with me," he admits as he closes his eyes, enjoying your gentle touch. "Why don't you unplug your earphones and just play the music for both of us to hear?" he suggest.

"Sure," you shrug as you take off your earphone and put it in your pocket. And then play your playlist at a reasonable volume. 

No words were then spoken for a few minutes. Just the words of the music were speaking. His eyes still closed with a gentle smile on his face as your fingers continue to go through his hair. Giving him such a loving and caring touch. He looks peaceful.

"I wish it would be like this. Just you and me," he as he opens his eyes to look at you, to see you looking at the view. 

You gently looks down, "Like this?" you question as a smile starts to form, "You do know I have a double chin in that angle right?" you ask teasingly as you stop running your fingers through his hair and place your hand on top of his eyes so that he wouldn't look at you.

He laughs as he raises his hand to grab your hand and then bring it down to place a gentle kiss on it, "You're beautiful," there's no lie in his words. He truly believes that and you can see it. You believe it.

"Others may disagree," you remind him which cause his smile to go away.

He lets go of your hand and you place it on his chest. But then he gently move to sit up. Not next to you. He's still in front of you. He has a hand next to your right thigh, supporting his weight. He's facing you now.

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