|16| I Messed Up

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Okay, I did not think this through... Oikawa tells himself when he sees your panic expression while he has you pin against the wall.

"O-Oikawa... You're making me a little uncomfortable," you tell him anxiously.

Oikawa panicked right there because he reacted without thinking. It's just that when yesterday he saw that guy in the picture that was your ex-boyfriend who was very good looking and alive as your brother seemed okay with it, it pissed him off.

Oikawa concluded that that had to be the guy that your brother like. The only guy your brother actually liked for you and Oikawa wanted to know what was so great about him but what cause him to do this was when he heard you and Ena talk about the type of boys your into.

And you literally described him-- Or how Oikawa believes is his description.

And if there's a chance that you know that he likes you and that he fits the description of the kind of guy you want to be with, why weren't you honest with your feelings and let him confess to you?

This annoyed him and he wanted to know so when Ena left to get her lunch, Oikawa took this as an opportunity to talk to you but he may have been a little forceful that he scared you and making you very anxious right now.

Crap... Oikawa says to himself when he sees how anxious you're getting by the second. You were hugging yourself as you were protecting yourself from him, think of something! Oikawa tells himself as he wonders what excuse to not make this awkward or get you to hate him.

But then Oikawa notices your hand, mostly your fingers. You were peeling your skin and it was very bad because it was very deep and no where close to the nails and you weren't stopping. "Are you crazy?!" Oikawa yells as he takes your hand, "You're hurting yourself," he says which widen your eyes as you were confused by what he said until you notice how Oikawa intertwine his hand with yours. "Come on," he says as he drags you somewhere.

You look at the hand and realize how your fingers are bleeding. I did it again... you say as peeling the skin off your finger has just became a habit and that you just start doing it without realizing it but the things is that your finger is bleeding and your blood is getting on Oikawa's hand. 

You look around to see how the other students are looking at you and Oikawa and noticing how he's holding your hand and just getting the wrong idea, "Oikawa, let go of my hand. People are looking and my blood is getting on you," you tell him as you try to pull your hand away from his but Oikawa kept a tight crimp.

"Then don't go peeling your skin like that," Oikawa tells you as you both reach to the nurse's office. Oikawa opens the door and walks in. The nurse was there and looking at the both of you, wondering what's wrong.

"Sensei, (Name) is injured," Oikawa tells her.

"She is? Where?" she ask as she stands up worriedly.

"It's nothing. Oikawa is just overreacting," you tell her but Oikawa shows her your hand.

"I can--"

"We should treat that," the nurse says and you look at her, "(Your Last Name), please take a seat and Oikawa, go wash your hands," the nurse instructs.

"Yes, Sensei," Oikawa says and then he looks at you, "I'll come back," he tells you and then he leaves to go wash his hands.

You sigh, "Sensei, it's no problem. I have band-aids in my bag. I can just go wash my hands and--"

"(Your Last Name), it looks bad. Just take a seat and I'll take care of it. We don't want it getting an affection," she says and you sigh as you couldn't argue with the nurse. You walk to a chair and sit down while the nurse got a few things. 

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