|93| I'm Here

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"Akina!" Yatomi says loudly as he runs to his sister who's in the backyard of the school. After the play and everyone congratulating the actors, the audiences walked out of the theatre talking about how great the play was.

The first and third-years cleaned up and just preparing for their performance once again in a few hours, after the music performance which is going to happen in the gym.

But as soon as the play was done and the audience walking out, Jia-Li gave yatomi a light push which cause him to look at her. Jia-Li smiles and whispers him, "Go." He smiles and nods. Everyone went back stage and Yatomi went out running for his sister.

He rushed out and saw her back so he called out her name. She turns around as did the nurse standing next to her, asking her how she's feeling and everything.

Yatomi runs to his sister and stands in front of her while keeping some distance as he knows how his sister can start freaking out if a guy gets too close to her. Even if Yatomi is her brother, he has seen it first hand.

Akina, Yatomi's sister, looks at him. She's still wearing a mask but she smiles. Yatomi smiles as he can see how his sister's eyes rises, he knows she's smiling. Akina walks up to him and hugs him which surprised Yatomi.

Yatomi raise his arms to hug her back but as soon as his arms went around his sister, Akina pushed him away in fear. She started to breath heavily and the nurse stepped in to calm her down. 

Usually, it would hurt Yatomi but instead, he saw it as progress. "I... I'm sorry, I--"

"No," Yatomi stops his sister with a smile, "It's progress," Yatomi assures. He puts his hands behind his back and Akina smiles. She walks to him, telling the nurse that she's okay. 

Akina stands in front of him and gently raise her hand to touch her brother's face. Yatomi is taller than his sister, "Every time you came to visit me, I was alway sitting. You either took me on walks in the wheelchair or sat down next to me, telling me about how well you're doing at school..." Akina start to tear up, "You've gotten so tall," she points out.

"Puberty," Yatomi answers which cause Akina to chuckle. 

"Ah! My children!" Akina flinch at the voice. Both siblings turn to face their father and stepmother. Of course, a few of their bodyguards. As the Mayor walks closer to his kids, Akina takes a few steps back in fear while Yatomi steps in front of her in a protective manner.

But before their father could say anything, a woman steps in between him and the kids, "Mr. Mayor, do you by any chance speak English?" your mother ask in English with a smile as she looks at Yatomi's father.

The Mayor stops on his track and looks at your mother. His second wife standing next to him. His bodyguards around and looking at your mother as if she was a threat and your mother looked at them without fear. She wasn't scared at all and she's the one wearing the heels. Your mother just smiles.

Your father walks in and stands next to his wife but he stands a few centimetres behind her, showing that she's the boss here. You, Jia-Li and Mark all shows up as well. You rush to Akina as the nurse did to check on her.

Jia-Li asked Yatomi if everything is okay to which he says is. Mark looks at his sisters and then at his surrounding. If there's something that he has learned over the years is that technology is a powerful thing which is why he took out his phone and start recording. You never want to miss anything.

"Yes, I can," the Mayor says to your mother as Eric's family walks in and looking at the mayor. The know the basic of what's going on which is why they're throwing dagger at them with their eyes.

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