|55| I'm Sorry

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You walk out of the woman's locker room as when you went to see Iwaizumi it was right after volleyball practice so you were still wearing your gym clothing. So now you're wearing pants and a shirt with a jacket. Your hair is tied up.

"(Name)!" you knew the owner of the voice but did you stop walking? No. You kept on walking as you need to leave the school ground and get to the bus stop, "(Name)! Seriously!" Oikawa yells as he runs after you.

"I'm not in the mood to fight or talk right now. I have to go to work!" you tell him but then he grabs your wrist and turns you around so that you can face him, "I said I'm not in the mood right now!" you yell as you pull your hand away, "I'm in a very bad mood right now," you advice him, "I'm going to end up saying or doing something we'll both regret so please, leave me alone to cool off," you ask of him as you give him a light warning.

"Yes, I understand that you need to cool off but when will be able to talk? Tomorrow at school? We'll cause a scene!" Oikawa tells you which made you groan in frustration.

"Then what is it?!" you yell angrily.

"Why did you punch him?! They broke up, yeah I get it. He made her cry, I get it! But did you have to get violent over it--"

"You know nothing!" you yell at him as you interrupt him. You walk toward him and push his chest, making him stubble backwards, "You have no fucking clue what's going on or what he did. You heard it himself! He deserved it!"

"You heard Ena's side of the story but what about Iwa's?! You just punched him--"

"And you're yelling at me? Lecturing me? Oikawa, you--" you stop yourself from saying anything that you may end up regretting saying. You take a deep breath to calm yourself down, "Oikawa," you say calmly, "I love you and I don't want to raise my voice or get angry at you. I really need to cool off right now because I have a lot of anger in me that I have held back for many years. I don't want to explode and let it all out on you because it won't be fair to you. But I also know that you love me and know me well enough that I wouldn't hit a person without a good reason," you explain as calmly and softly as you can with a sad look.

Oikawa doesn't say anything. H e doesn't know what to say to you. You caught on pretty quick because of his reaction. "Like I've said, I got work," you tell him as you force a smile. You then then walk away but Oikawa doesn't go after you.

He wants to but he can't move his body because what is he going to say or do when he catches up to you?

He doesn't know... He never fought with you or even yelled at you like this and he saw a new side of you. He doesn't know what to do or how to react.

However, Anna and the other volleyball players, both from the female and male club, were there and watched the whole thing. Watched the fight. Whenever you or Oikawa yelled, they could heard it but the words weren't very clear.

When Anna saw you walk away and Oikawa standing there looking hurt, she was beyond happy and declared this day to be the happiest day of her life but to make the day even better, she needs to hear from Oikawa that you guys broke up. 

She hopes Oikawa left you.

"They're not going to break up, are they?" Kindaichi ask worriedly, "(Name) brought the best out of Oikawa," he says as you were someone he also looks up to and respects. Anna looks at him, wanting him to shut up.

"One fight won't break them up," Yuna says with a sigh as she has no idea what's going. You were at practice with them. Everything was fine but as soon as it was over, you told everyone that you need to go do something really quick and to take your bag to the locker room.

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