|66| Panic

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Aoba Johsai won the match against Karasuno. The match brought you so much anxiety and it even made you cheer both sides of the teams as they were playing so well. You were worried, excited, hyped and just felt so many emotions at once while watching the match but it came to an end when Aoba Johsai won.

You were cheering and congratulating them for the win however you were also wondering where Anna was as you thought she would be here cheering Toru on or doing what she usually does but because she isn't, it's worrying you a little as you wonder what she's planning.

On the way back to school, you were sitting next to Toru, holding his hand. He asked you about your shoulder and you told him that you're okay now and that it's all healed up when in reality, it still hurts but the pain is tolerable and you grew up believing that if the pain is tolerable than that means you're okay.

Complaining about a pain that you're able to keep your mouth shut for is just a waist of time, money, or anything at all. But if the pain isn't tolerable than you need to go get help. It's how you grew up.

The rest of the ride back to school was you sleeping on Toru's shoulder with your earphones on, listening to music. Toru looked at you and remembers one of the things that was said in the files about you. It said you had trouble sleeping because of nightmares but also because you have a horrible sleep schedule and how you hate it when it's completely quiet, too loud or just random annoying noise. 

You need to play music to sleep and it's not just any sort of music. You had a playlist for every situation. You got one for studying, writing essays, reading, seeing, etc. Toru has seen you cover your ears when the classroom would get too loud and how you looked like you would go crazy. But he never thought too much about it.

It's only now he's starting to notices the little things you're doing that's a cry for help but there's one thing that your therapist wrote down which has him feeling very protective. It's the fact that you said you hate falling asleep with people around and that you have a hard time sleeping with someone next to her.

That you have trust issue and don't feel safe enough to sleep. How you hate sitting by the window seat as you feel trap and unsafe... But here you are, sleeping on his shoulder and sitting by the window. This just goes to show that you feel safe and trust Toru.

How can question you about things you're not reading to talk to him about yet?

Toru wants to pretend he never read the files but he's having a hard trouble doing so because the two biggest thing that's bothering him was the fact you had a miscarriage at the age of thirteen because a few kids decided to beat you up and cause you to be infertile and the fact that you're loosing your memories because of your head injuries.

He wants to talk to you about this but doesn't know how to bring it up without telling you that he read your files.

But one thing he knows for sure, he needs to question Anna and ask her how she got her hands on those files because they seemed to be classified and not just given away like that. These are personal. It's illegal to have information about someone like these without their consent.

And Toru knows you wouldn't be giving out those kind of information so how did Anna get her hands on them...?

His thought comes to an end when the bus arrived at school. He gently wakes you up. You sit up and stretch. You pause your music and take off your earphones. You let out a yawn as you cover your mouth and then went back to laying on Toru's shoulder as you were tired.

"Why are you so tired?" Toru ask you gently as he pecks your forehead and then looks back at the front to see his friends getting off the bus but as he's sitting in the back with you, he stays seated with you, patently waiting for his turn to get off the bus with you.

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