|78| Die In This Moment

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"Looks who's back," Ena says when she noticed you in the hall but also because she heard the door open and close. You force a laugh and as it was dark in the room because the light were off, they couldn't see your puffy eyes from crying, the scratch marks on your arm, neck, shoulder... They couldn't see your bleeding lip. They couldn't see your injured hand.

"That was a long phone call," Jen points out and you just giggle.

"Yeah sorry about that. It was important but as it's dark outside, I sort of tripped and hurt my hand so if anyone needs me, I'll be in the bathroom with the first-aid," you sound perfectly okay. As if you were never in pain in the first place.

"What?" Toru says with a worried expression, "Let me help," he says as he was about to stand up but you stop him.

"No need. Just a small scratch. I'll take care of it. You guys continue watching the movie," you tell them with a smile.

"It's almost done," Yuna informs you.

"They end up together, that's my theory," you say and then leave before anyone else can say anything. You hear the movie being played in the background as you got the bathroom that in the second floor, the fartest so that if they have to go to the bathroom, you wouldn't be there so they wouldn't be able to see you're injured hand.

But as you do that, you take out your phone to make another phone call. As it rings, you put it on speaker and place it on the counter as you take out the first hand to heal your hand. As everyone is watching the movie, you're not worried someone is going to hear your phone call but just in case if there was someone, you were going to talk in another language.

"Yo," Erik says on the phone. There's noises in the background, lots of talking.

"Hey..." you say in Russian as you sound a little broken. You wanted to sound strong as you did with you uncle but as soon as you heard Erik's voice, you felt like breaking down.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Erik ask as he starts speaking in Russian. He understood right away that you didn't want anyone to hear the conversation. 

He's at the mall, in the food court with his friends from school but now tells them that he has to take the call so he leaves them to go somewhere more quiet. He goes outside so that his friends don't look at him weirdly and to hear you better.

"He called me..." you broke down in tear but quickly wipe them and then turn on the water from the sink to put your injured hand in. You flinch and hiss at the pain but you need to clean the blood.

"Who called you?" Erik ask worriedly as he tries to seem calm as there's still people outside, "And are you injured?" he ask as he hears the sink and your hiss.

"Tyler..." that all he needed to understand. He has never felt so angry at him and at himself. He hates how he's not there to give you a shoulder and a helping hand, "He's out, Erik. He escaped," you tell him, tears still showing up in your eyes.

"(Name), listen to me. He's going to be captured and put back in that cell and the years will increase. You're in Japan right now, he can't touch you. You're safe," Erik assures, "Please tell me you recorded the call," he ask and you nod even though he couldn't see you.

"Hmm," you hum in a yes.

"That's good. You're safe, okay?" he reminds you but you don't respond. Instead, you stay quiet and continue to heal your hand. "Hey, remember when we were seven and tried ballroom dancing?" he ask you while smiling, trying to change the subject and make you feel better.

And it worked because you giggle as you sniffed, "I stepped on your feet so many times," you remember.

"I even dropped you a few times," Erik says with a chuckle and you laugh as you wipe your tears as the memories made you smile, "Hey, can you still bend your back that far back?" he ask you which got you laughing.

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