|22| Getting Use To It

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"Yes, Thank you. I'll make sure to get them all done," you tell your teacher as she has just explained everything you missed during your absence. She was the last teacher you needed to see.

You take a look at your homework as you walk out of the teacher's room to the halls. It seems complicated which stresses you out a little but she explained it perfectly and all you have to do is ask for some notes which you know for sure that Ena can show you.

You haven't seen her yet as it's still in the morning. Once you arrived at school, you headed to the see the teachers. Throughout the days you were at home sick, Jia-Li has been acting weird. She looked at you as if she wanted to tell you something or if she did something she wasn't supposed to do but she never said anything.

She looked guilty for something. You did question her about it but she just told you that she was just a little stressed about an coing up test which you decide to let slide.

As you walk down the halls, you stop where there's photo of past students that were attending the school. You look at the years your father was in the school and see your father in almost every single one of them.

He was in the soccer team. There's a photo of him with his teammates. They were all smiling, your father in the middle with the trophy as he got the winning goal. You remember him telling you the story about it. Another picture of him with an art that he drew and won the school another trophy. There's another where he's surrounded by a bunch of girls.

But there's one picture of him standing next to his best friend who you already know but they were standing behind three girls. They were his high school best friends. You remember the stories and he would tell you along with the other guy in he photo as they're both still in contact.

However, the girls in the picture... They look familiar. You can't remember their names but there's just something about two of those girls that made you feel like you have met them before.

You shake it off and just go back to looking at the pictures of your father and his high school life.

Your father was the very sociable and fun kind of guy. Everyone loved him. Everyone knew him and were just friends with him. He was the kind of guy that everyone would notice the second he walks into the room. 

You remember him telling you stories about his high school days and how much fun they were. He was the popular guy and got many love confesses which he still on this day brags about but you mother just laughs and says how those girls have nothing on her as he was stuck with her. 


You look at all the picture of the years your dad was in this school. He could have been anything he wanted. Everyone believed he would have been a very successful man in the future and they were right because he is.

Your father has his own companies. Multiples which as all successful. He has many business partners and because he grew up in Japan and has a business deal here that need to be taken care of, instead of sending someone to take care of it, he thought it would be better if he went instead of sending someone as it was a complicated matter but also he thought it would be best to take you somewhere away from the problems to give you a air to breath.

Your father is clever and very smart and everyone knows this. Everyone expected him to marry a famous woman, maybe a model or something and that's what he did but not with your mother. Everyone expected him to married his ex-girlfriend but when he met your mother, there has been a change of plans.

Their love story is something you found hilarious. Your mother thought that your father was some pervert or weirdo, maybe even a stalker but their second meeting was just a coincidence. Your father was traveling when he met your mother. Your father said that the second he saw your mother, he felt something and just knew that she was the one. That's all you know.

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