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"Are we going to have to climb up the walls as well?" Jia-Li ask in a matter that shows she really doesn't want to do it.

"Did you get first place that one time for high jump?" you ask her as you were both sneaking to the side of the school as the reporters are all over the front of the school and with teachers trying to keep them out.

Some students were having trouble going in and some where watching from the window of the halls.

"That was gym class and everyone just sucked!" Jia-Li complains as she hands you her bag as you already threw yours over the wall. You then throw her bag over and went near the wall.

"You did cheerleading," you remind her and she doesn't say anything as she couldn't deny itYour nails?" you tease which made your sister roll her eyes as she took a few steps up as you place your hands together.

"Haha, very funny. You got me?" she ask as she takes off her uniform jacket and place it around her waist.

"I got you," you answer as you show her you're ready. Jia-Li runs and jumps. One of her feet lands on your hand and you push her up. You both move together and Jia-Li reaches the top of the wall and climbs up. She gets on top and then jumps down but same thing as Mark, she does a summersault on the ground. She then cleans up her skirt and take off her jacket from her waist and clean it up.

Jia-Li walks to her and your bag to pick it up. And then she look at the wall to see you already on the top. And then jump down and landed the same way as your sister. Jia-Li hands you your bag which you thank her for.

"You think mom or dad did something 'great' that has the reporters here for us?" Jia-Li ask as she knows she didn't do anything to have the media like that nor Mark and you either. And as the reporters were at Mark's school and pointed out where he was, she knows the reporters here are here for them.

"Maybe but you know what mom and dad said. Don't talk to them nor interact with them," you remind her and she just shrug as she heads to the first-year section. She walks in front of you as you walk behind her but you both stop when both of your phone vibrate at the same time.

You look at her as she turns around to look at you, wondering how it's a coincidence that both of your phone vibrated and made a sound at the same time. Almost as if you both got the same text message or something. 

You both take out your cellphones to see a message. There was a link to an article which you both click on as the message came from Yatomi. You see the title and your eyes widen. You read through it to have your eyes widen in fear.

Now you know why the reporters are here but it didn't make sense to you. It's not possible. And then you got a message from Mark telling you why the reporters are there and the link. The same message as Yatomi.

You continue to read until you had your phone taken away from you from Jia-Li. You look at the reporters who are already taking pictures of you and Jia-Li together and yelling out questions for you as the teachers tells them to go away and how this is a private school and all that. Just doing whatever they can to get the reporters to go away.

You then look at the school to see the student by the window with their phone out. They were looking at you and whispering. You panic because not only was all eyes on you but also all the cameras. 

"(Name), I know how bad it looks but you can not freak out or have a panic attack right here," Jia-Li tells you as she looks around to see you being the centre of attention. Sure they'll ask Jia-Li questions but you'll be the main topic and once it's the school festival, in two days, these reporters will find their way in as well as many curious student who would want to see you as word has gone out that you'll be performing and many want to see you sing after two years.

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