|99| Miss You

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"I'm just asking that when you marry (Name) and adopt a kid in the future, I am going to be Godfather, right?" Eric ask which cause you to take him off speaker. He called you during your lunch time at school and you told him you were with Toru and the others and so, he asked to be put on speaker.

And so, you did. He called for Toru, Toru responded and Eric asked the question. Everyone started laughing while your face turn red and Toru chuckles. You place the phone by your ear and start speaking in English, "Are you trying to compete with Mark again?" you ask him.

"I'm just saying, between Mark and I, I would most likely be the Godfather, right?" Eric ask and you laugh.

"No, it's going to be Igor," you inform him and then you hear a loud and very clearly fake gasp. But then you hear Jen translating what you're saying. You roll your eyes and show her the middle finger while Toru gives your thigh a little squeeze as he lean down to your shoulder and laugh.

Ever since that special night you had with Toru, you two have been even closer than ever before. You love his little touch and having his hand on your lap or waist  or just somewhere on your body which lets others know that your dating feels normal.

Of course, the day late after sleeping together, you woke up really sore which cause you to walk a little funny but you told Toru that you weren't going to go home until you're able to walk normally or look like you can walk normally.

You had a home date with Toru and you also complain about the hickeys Toru left on your body. You didn't mind the ones you can cover easily with your clothes but there's two on your neck which is noticeable and easy to see.

Toru did apologize and told you he got too caught up. Of course, this wouldn't have bothered you as you could just use the excuse that you got hurt which your family would believe as it has happened before. All you'll get is a lecture on how to be safer.

But here's the thing: your father knows you went to Toru's house and so does Eric and if you go home with the hickey on your neck, who knows what might happen. Toru did help you cover the hickey with some of his mother's make-up.

And later on the day, Eric came to pick you up. He doesn't have his Japanese driver licence like you do but he's confident that he won't be pulled over by a cop. Yes, he's doing some illegal but who doesn't do something illegal at least once in their life?

 When Eric came to pick you up, he played a wonderful music to embarrass you. Toru walked you to the car as Eric laughed. You quickly gave Toru a kiss goodbye and got inside the car. You turn of the music and hit Eric's shoulder many times which just made him laugh even louder.

Eric even looks at Toru and ask him if you scratch or not. Toru smiles with rosy cheeks as he's a little embarrass but he ends up answering by asking him if he wants to see his back. Your eyes widen as you didn't know you scratched him so you looked worried and Toru just told you he's fine and doesn't mind it and then he whispered to you and tells you that the scratches on his back just tells him he did a job in pleasing you.

You hit his shoulder and Toru laughs.

Eric then took you home. You didn't want your dad picking you up. It would be very embarrassing.

And now, days pass and it's back to school. Tomorrow is a big day as it's the volleyball match. You'll be playing against strong schools. Yuna already gave in her worry but believe that the team can it. 

Toru mention how they might go against Karasuno but Toru was confident in winning the game so his only worry is going up against Shiratorizawa once again. There's even a knew player in the team. Toru told you about him, his name is Kentaro Kyotani.

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