|59| Violence

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"Anna," Anna's father says as he gently knocks on her open door.

Anna turns away from her homework and looks at him, "Daddy," she says with a smile as she runs up to him and hug him, "How was work?" she ask him and her father smile softly as he gently pats her head.

"The usual," he answers as Anna let's go of him, "Your mother has explained to me about a girl at your school who has been bothering you. I believe her name is (Your Full Name)?" your father ask.

"Yes! Daddy! She's taking everything from me! I want to ruin her. To kill her. I hate her so much, daddy!" Anna tells him.

"I know, your mother has told me which is why I had someone find out about her background and everything. Here you go," her father says as he hands her a document which she takes and it had everything about you. Where you live, who your family members are, medical records, everything.

Anna couldn't contain her smile and that made her father happy because he would do anything for his little girl, no matter how old she is.

"Anna, is she the same girl who forced you out of the piano competition you had in Australia last year?" her father ask which got Anna thinking.

"No, it's not possible. The bitch from last year had shorter hair and (Name) is uglier. The bitch had guts and (Name) doesn't. plus, they didn't have the same name," Anna tells him as she walks to her bed as she starts looking through the fils about you, "(Name) was also in Japan so there's no way," Anna adds, "Let's not forget the bitch's name was Loud, like what kind of name is that?" Anna wonders with a laugh.

Her father stands there, watching her read through the files until she found one that got her to get off the bed and widen her eye, "(Name) was Louhi?" Anna ask with anger in her voice.

"Apparently she was. After she got you eliminated by the judges, she won and later everyone found out that she signed up with a fake name because she didn't want to win or feel the pressure because of who her mother is. But you being stubborn about not wanting to know anything about her, you never learned this. Now this bitch has the guy you love," her father says which made Anna crush the papers.

"I want her dead," Anna says.

"And how would you like her to die, love?" her father ask with a smile as he can make anything possible.

"First, I want her to suffer and then make her death look like an accident--No, a suicide," Anna says which a smile.

"How would you to torture her?" he ask.

"She's known to be a protector, I want to crush her by destroying the people who she swore to protect. I want her to watch how she can't protect anyone," Anna says which made her father smile.

"You're learning but now the question is how will you do it?" he ask.

"Her brother goes to a different school. Easily just kidnap him, hurt him, just practically destroy him. It's going to hurt the family but mainly the bitch as everyone knows how much she loves her brother plus, it would be good for mom too as the brother is the bitch's mother," Anna says.

Her father takes out his phone, "I can have it done," he says, "She has a sister too, doesn't she?" he ask.

"Yeah, she's goes to my school but I already have a plan for her with Yatomi. One of the many ways to break a woman is through rape, especially when it's someone who you know but I have done that with her best friend. For her sister, Yatomi already got a couple of guys. The Beauty Princess of the school ain't going to escape or be too pretty. I'm going to have it done during school. She'll feel like horrible because she'll tell herself she could have done something," Anna says and her father pats her head.

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