|65| I'm Tired

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Everyone is worried. The match is stopped as you were on one knee, supporting yourself as you have a hand on your dominant shoulder. You're bitting your button lip as you were trying your best to control your facial expressions and imagine that the pain isn't even there.

You look at the opponents but mainly at the girl who did this to you. She's smiling proudly. Her teammates were a little confused and looked a little worried as well. They're the girls you're playing against with your teammates.

It's the quarter final for volleyball.

Everything was fine at first. You were suppose to play against Date Tech. Everyone was nervous and worried about it. The twins were doing there best to be very positive and Kiko was making sure to tell everyone to not tense up. But you noticed how everyone felt so much pressure on them. Even Jen was nervous and she never gets nervous.

You wanted to say something but you didn't have the courage to say anything. But then Yuna stepped up and said a few words which courage everyone. You could see how she's the captain and how well she knows her teammates.

The match started and it was fine. The girls in Date Tech were tall, most of them about Jen's height and the thing is that Jen is the tallest girl in the team. The twins had a lot of trouble getting past the blockers but there were times that the team were able to get points. 

Of course, the team speciality is blocking which is why you knew the your serves will be able to encourage the team that there's a fighting chance but there has been a few trouble. One of the girls seem to be aiming at you most of the time.

Every time she spits the ball, it would go towards you. If you ere to block, she'll aim at you but the thing was that she was going after your shoulder which confused you. Your shoulder is already in pain because of Anna.

That fight you had with her, she did some damage to it but you thought you would be fine as pain comes and goes. Plus, you know your body. As long as you don't push it, you'll be fine but the girl from the other team is really pushing it. It's almost as if she knew about your shoulder and the condition it's in.

Yuna started to notice that they were aiming at you but she didn't understand why and it wasn't until you got distracted by someone yelling out your name really loudly that you got hit by the volleyball with your shoulder.

It was directly at the source and not to mention that the ball also hit your face and went to the net. It didn't go over sadly but fell back on the ground on your side. You felt like a huge throbbing pain or as if your shoulder just got dislocated. 

You had to bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming but because of the pain, you fell on one knee. The girls surrounded you, asking you if you were okay. You try taking deep breaths and when you made eye contact with the girl who has something against you for some reason, you stare at her as if you were going to murder her and it wasn't a pretty look which scared her.

You look at the audience as you recognized the voice that called out your name. You see Anna up there with a smile and that's when you knew... She found out about your injuring but you didn't know how. Your first guess was that maybe Toru told her in a conversation they could have had but the thing that you had to place together was that there may be a chance that Anna knows the girl in Date Tech and told her about you.

It pissed you off as you're now being pulled out of the game. The match continues without you as you're seated on the bench next to Mr. Lee while the manager of the team goes to get you some water.

"You should go to the infirmary," Mr. Lee tells you and you shake your head as you try to raise your arm but the pain is too big.

"I was suppose to at least get a tie against them with my serves but because of my shoulder, we can't do anything," you're angry. For the first time, you felt useful and confident in your abilities to help the team but now... you have never felt so useless before.

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