|14| Siblings Says No

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"You're serious? My sister?" Jia-Li ask as she didn't believe it.

"For the last time, yes!" Oikawa says, not wanting to repeat it again as he looks around to make sure no one is eavesdropping.

"I thought it was innocent flirting but I didn't think it was serious," Jia-Li explains. If she knew the feelings were real she wouldn't have tease you about Oikawa and you having a relationship. She said it all in fun and games but she knew deep down that there was something and that he would end up falling for you... They all do in the end.

"Give up," Jia-Li says straight forwardly with a sigh as she crosses her arms, "You can be her friend, a close friend if you want but not her boyfriend. The feelings you have for her is not real," your sister tells him as she felt the need to go to you and tell you about this. 

But the way she said it caught Oikawa off guard because it felt like Jia-Li sweet personality just dropped. It was like she was looking down on him.

"What's with everyone telling to give up?" Oikawa complains.

"I don't know what kind of warning my cousin gave you but you need to know that you have been friend zoned already. Getting (Name) to like you is not going to be easy and being in a relationship with her won't go as close to being easing. You need to be smart, confident and certainly not a quitter and not be weak both emotionally and physically," Jia-Li tells him but Oikawa doesn't understand.

"Did your sister go through some bad experience?" Oikawa ask wondering why it's so difficult with you.

"This is not my story to tell. But promise me that you will not tell your feeling to my sister. You will not confess and you will certainly not tell anyone else about your feelings for her or else, you're going to end up hurting her," Jia-Li tried to sound like she's asking him that but it came out more like an order.

She continues, "(Name)... she may be shy and quiet at first but she's an outgoing person once she's comfortable and one of her personalities is that she can be a flirt and a tease but all for fun and games but she'll make sure not to give the wrong signals which mostly ends up being ignored. You want to flirt with her, she'll flirt back but you want a relationship with her? Well... You'll both end up hurt but mostly her. She has a few issues and she's dealing with them one at a time and she's slowly healing... Please, don't give her another trouble," Jia-Li says but it sounded a little threading even though she didn't make a threat.

"Okay, but I'm not giving up though," Oikawa tells her but your sister want to punch him so he takes a deep breath.

"You're never going to get to her," Jia-Li promises.

"What makes you so sure?" Oikawa ask, sort of accepting this sort of challenge.

"Mark and I," she says with a smile, already knowing that he's not going to make it past her, "Our brother, Mark. If he doesn't like you, then she won't either. If I don't like you, then she won't either. If our parents don't like you then she won't either and if our family don't like you, then you're done," Jia-Li tells him.

"So basically I have to get your family to like me," Oikawa says, sounding like it's an easy plan, "Should be easy. I'm great with parents," Oikawa says proudly.

"She's not into idiots, just letting you know," Jia-Li says, keeping her smile.


"If you're an idiot and she pays attention to you, it means she sees you as a brother, someone to take care of so if you want get to her, study," Jia-Li suggest, "And another thing, you want to get her attention, you have to get our brother to like you and Mark has never likes anyone but one guy and trust me, there has been a lot of guys that were better than you, some even played volleyball like you so don't think you can use volleyball to get him to like you because it won't work," Jia-Li explains, "Don't you dare hurt my sister with your feelings," she adds as she gives him the death glare.

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