|2| Ena Yui

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Oikawa was getting pretty angry. He has never ever felt this kind of rejection before and it's pissing him off but he also loves the challenge. He has spent the day trying to talk to you, flirt with you or just even trying to get close with you but all you did was trying to get away as best as you could.

Whenever you saw him walk towards you, you turn the other direction and walk fast. You started taking the long way to classes and just do anything possible to get away from him. You hate the fact that you were right about him. 

There has been time where he has talked to you but those conversations were just really awkward because you gave sort and quick answers. You wanted to bored him so that he can leave you alone and show that you're not interested.

It's been a week already and he still haven't giving up.

Oikawa was now bugging you not because he likes you or because you're interesting. At first it was like that but now he's just curious about you and wants to be friends. You're alway alone. He never really had a reason to talk to you before until now. All he wants is to be friends while you want to get away as you don't want the attention.

But everything he does attracts attention. Like right now, he has you pined against the wall, both of his arms blocking your exits. Right now there's no one but someone walks walk by and see this and you don't want the attention nor unrelated rumours.

You were holding a book in your arms as you try to stay as close to the wall as possible as he is invading your personal space. You don't like this. You feel sick. You want to push him away or hit him and a part of you is about to do it but so much can go wrong if you do and you mind is thinking of it which is just making your breathing heavy and quick.

You felt like crying. You don't like this.

It's always nice in the movies but real life? For you? No, it freaks you out.

It makes you uncomfortable. This isn't the first time you're being pinned against the wall but when he does it, you don't like it. You don't know him. 

He has you pinned inside the school, close to a classroom but a section of the halls that not many walk by but some still do and you don't want anyone to see you and Oikawa like this. Words gets around really fast and you just don't want to deal with the drama.

You had enough of that in the past. You just want a quiet high school life but if you're around Oikawa, he could get students curious about you and they'll find out about you.

"Why do you keep avoiding me? Are you that shy? Do you like me that much?" Oikawa ask in a teasing way which widen your eyes because now you're giving him the wrong idea. You want to tell him off but the thing is that if you do and he tell his friends, they're all going to talk about you as they'll believe him and not you as you're not close with anyone.

You need to play this right because he has the upper hand.

"N-No!" you stutter, "I don't see you that way," you tell him confidently.

"Then why have you been avoiding me?" Oikawa ask as he leans in closer to you. You don't like this at all. You have a bad feeling. You feel sick and you don't know why. You suddenly feel scared but also excited. You don't get it. 

"Get off!" you yell and without a second thought, you push him away from you. It surprised him. "Leave me alone! Please!" you beg and then you ran to the washroom. 

Once you were in, you notice that you were alone. You take a deep breath as you set your book by the counter, right next to the sink. You made sure that it was dry first before setting them down. You then wash your hands, you don't know why but you just did. 

More Than Enough || Toru Oikawa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now