|70| Checkmate

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"Toru?" Anna says with a smile as she's happy to see him, right in front of her door. He came to see her on a weekend. "Do you want to come in---"

"I'm done," Toru tells her as he drop the ripped files she gave to him about you, "You are completely the worst person I have ever met. The worst friend I could have ever had. I trusted you. I saw you as a sister but after all of this. I'm tired and done with you Anna," Toru declares which widen her eyes as she doesn't understand what's going on but then realize that Toru wouldn't talk to her like this.

This is your doing.

"What did the bitch say to you to have you talking to me this?" Anna yells as she steps out of her house and shut the door behind her.

"The person who you just called a bitch is my fucking girlfriend and she is far from being a bitch or whatever horrible names you call her," Toru yells, not caring where he is or who he attracts, "She's beautiful, talented, caring, kind, and a woman who is trying to put her broken pieces back together all on her own! You made me think she was someone she isn't because she just has secrets. And because of what you did in the cafeteria, asking her about her scar, it made her tell me something she wasn't comfortable with. I had to watch her smile and blame herself!" Toru says as he raises his voice and he's angry.

He has never gotten this angry before. Anna doesn't know what to do. She thought she finally had it but you're alway going to be a step ahead. Anna doesn't know how you do it or what kind of lies to spit out but she's going to kill you. She going to end you, even if it's the last thing she does because she had enough of you.

You should have died back then were her thoughts.

"So fuck you Anna. You stay away from me, (Name) and even Iwa! You stay the fuck away from us and our family," Toru tells her and then he leaves with her calling out his name, begging him to came back but he doesn't.

Toru hopes he made the right decision right there. He knew Anna seen he was a kid and you're a woman he met this year and feel in love with. However, Anna has shown him how much she has changed and isn't trustworthy while you have shown that you're a kindhearted person who never does anything without a reason.




[A Few Days Later]

Anna stood with fear in her eyes as her hands shake while she looks at Toru holding you in his arms with anger in his eyes. Everyone is surrounding them. The students at school, their classmates. Who weren't there knew what was going on because the students were recording, some went live.

Their sweet dear Anna has just attacked (Name) for no reason and swore to kill her.

Anna looks around in fear as she knows that she has just ruined her life. Everyone is whispering, holding out their phones and looking talking about or looking at her. She breaths heavily, she feels like she's going to hyperventilate. She has never felt like this before.

She has never been humiliated like this before. 

She looks at you and sees you trying to get up with Toru helping you. And then having to watch Toru wrap his arms around you as if he was protecting you from her which confused Anna because it's you they need protecting from. Not her. You.

But Anna watches how you are being comforted, how you look surprise with everyone trying to defend you, to protect you. But the thing is that no one is focusing on you. Everyone is on Anna. All their eyes were on her. All their phones were pointed at her. 

Anna the villainess.

But in Anna'a eyes. It's you. She stares at you will bloodlust as she watches you raise your hand to cover the smile you have.

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