|83| Promise

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"Is it just me or have they gotten closer?" One of Jia-Li's friends ask when she notices Jia-Li fixing up a dress with Yatomi sitting  near her and just handing her what she needs with this teasing smile while Jia-Li looks at him annoyedly.

Yoko notices as he was trying on the clothing Jia-Li made for him for the school festival which fits him perfectly. The girls were just now taking pictures of him and making sure everything is alright with the outfit, if there's anything wrong, they were to let Jia-Li know right away so that she can fix it.

"I think because her sister isn't here, he believes that he can get closer to her," another one of Jia-Li's friends comment worriedly.

"But... He's not doing that would be considered wrong. Instead, they seem to be friends. I guess he's taking in a different approach?" they wonder, "She also seems to be fine..." they didn't know wether to interfere or not as nothing was going on. No argument. No fights. No aggressive behaviour. Nothing.

Yoko was also wandering if he should get Yatomi out of here but because nothing bad was happening or the fact that Jia-Li wasn't sending any sort of signal with her eye that she needs help or wants to get away, there wasn't much he can do. 

Jia-Li and Yatomi have gotten close, mostly because Mr. Ferly was starting to show up more often but because Yatomi can't afford to be expelled or suspended again as your mother scare the principal more than Yatomi's father.

Between his father and your mother, your mother is something who the principal or anything at the school admiration want to mess with.

And so, Yatomi just plays the role of the dude who doesn't want to mess with you so he's being nice while also trying to get the girl who he really doesn't want, "You know he watching you right now," Yatomi tells her as he looks at the dress that's almost done as Jia-Li was just adding the last touches and decorations to it.

"I can feel his eyes on my back. It's fucking gross," Jia-Li comments with a shiver, "Not to mention, he likes to mention my mother a lot," Jia-Li adds.

"Is he into your mom or something?" Yatomi ask as he look at the back of the class where Mr. Ferly is, "He doesn't even teach here, why the fuck is he here? Doesn't he have a job or a life?" Yatomi ask as he gives Mr. Ferly a smile to piss him off and then looks back at your sister who stands up and backup to look at her work.

"He used to go to this school. One of the honour student like my father and his job is traveling and taking pictures or some shit like that. Right now, he says he's here for a visit," Jia-Li tells him as she observe the dress.

"And you know this because...?" Yatomi ask.

"He told me," Jia-Li says with a shrug as Mr. Ferly has tried to make conversation with her, "He also said he was there when my parents first met. He was taking pictures of the pianist competing and my mother was one them. I asked my mother and she had no idea who I was talking about," Jia-Li quickly explains.

"Grow a pimple or something," Yatomi says annoyingly.

"I can't help that I'm beautiful," Jia-Li says and then she looks at her female friends, "How is it?" she ask.

"Yoko looks great in it," they tell her.

"It fits and it's very comfortable," Yoko mentions and Jia-Li nods.

 "Alright the dress is done," she says with a smile as that was the last one.

"Yay!" her friend says as she goes to her as the dress is meant for her. Jia-Li gets it off the mannequin and hands it to her friend who take it, thanks her and walks out to the bathroom to put it on with another one of her friends to help her with it.

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