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You sing Montero softly as you stand in front of Mrs. Tsubaki while she looks through your notes angrily. Mrs. Tsubaki, for some reason had something against you. She looks at you as you softly sing in a way that only she can hear to not disturb any other teachers in the room. You look at her with a soft smile as you stop singing, "Something wrong with my notes?" you ask which just made her angrier.

The nurse never showed up so you left the nurse's office with Ena as you both did have class. Iwaizumi said he was going to go first to check up on Toru. When class started, Toru wasn't there which got you a little worried but he showed up, apologized for being late.

When class was over, you went to talk to him. You asked him if he was okay but he didn't get a chance to answer because a student said that Mrs. Tsubaki is asking for you in the teacher lounge. Toru told you to go and you said that you'll see him next class.

When you made your way to the teacher's lounge, the teachers were complimenting you on your studies and grades which made you smile and thank them for. You went to Mrs. Tsubaki who looks angry. You notice how she was looking at your notes, your scores, your grades...

She didn't say anything and so you just stood there and waited for her to say something but you suddenly got a little sing-y which got her attention.

"How?" Mrs. Tsubaki says which made you look at her like you didn't understand what she meant.

"Oh? You mean my grades?" you ask her with a smile, "You told me that I needed to raise my grades up or else you'll call my parents, or did I misunderstand something?" you say as you look the other way innocently which did get a few teachers attentions.

"Your parents sent their complain," Mrs. Tsubaki reminds and she wasn't lying but they didn't sent their complains. Your parents came to school and complained in person. Mrs. Tsubaki got an earful, especially from your mother as Mrs. Tsubaki is the english teacher.

"And I am sorry about that but it's just... You threaten me to tell my parents that I was doing horribly at school if I didn't up my grades. So I studied and studied. I stayed up late doing reviews, woke up early to study. Plus with work, after school activities... Everything was just adding so much stress that I passed out. I got sick but I went to school because I didn't want it to affect my grade like you said it would. My parents got worried so they come to school to lecture you," you explain innocently which got the teachers talking.

Mrs. Tsubaki can hear them. They were saying how you're alway working hard. How you alway give it your best at the after school activities. At the clubs. With the sports. How you look tired during class but you do your best to stay awake. Help others. How you're very responsible. How you work hard. How you alway finish your homework.

"Are you satisfied with my grades now, Tsubaki-Sensei?" you ask her with a smile as she looks at the other teachers that were whispering.

"Y-yes," she answers.

"I'm glad! I'll make sure to keep them that way," you tell her with a giggle. You look at your grade, all perfect scores. Not one mistake and that made no sense to Mrs. Tsubaki. How can one person who had the average passing grade go to being a genius.

"Excuse me," you say with a smile and a light bow. You then walk out of the teacher's lounge with a smile. You were going to head back to your class until your phone started ringing. The song is Rasputin.

You giggle as you take your phone out and answer the call, "Nu privet krasavchik (Well, Hello Handsome) [I used Google translate]," you say in Russian as you walk in the school halls. You then stop at a window to look out of it as it was still between class break.

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