9 . Pizza

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Another day in Hawk Publishing has come to an end and I would be lying if I didn't say I was looking forward to going home and having a nice, long relaxing night.

I was right about never having to see Harry again. I haven't seen him since Sunday whilst I was in the cafe with Zayn. It's now Friday night, a week ago since the first time I met Harry.

I plan to stop on my way home to get my favourite pepperoni pizza from Davos that I've been craving, changing out of my uncomfortable work clothes, having a long relaxing bath whilst reading a magazine and eating pizza whilst I do that.

After that I plan on wearing my most comfortable pyjamas I own whilst sitting down on my cosy lounge and watch a romantic movie. Romance movies aren't really my thing, I'm more into horror but I have to watch something about love in order to prepare for my feature article Tony wants me to write.

Just thinking about my lovely night ahead makes me grin and puts me in a good mood.

"Bye gossip queens." I duck my head into Zayn's office before I leave, knowing that Taylah would be in there. I was right, as always. Taylah is sitting infront of Zayn's desk, leaning forward on her elbows on his table, deep in conversation.

"Well someone has to fill me in about your love life." Taylah smirks, now sitting back in her chair comfortably. Zayn just chuckles, playing with the stubble on his chin and sliding his damp tongue across his lips.

"There's nothing to fill you in on when nothing is happening." I chirp, waving my hand at the two of them to say goodbye before walking out the door and shutting it on my way. "Afternoon Mr Hawk." I give him a toothy grin as I walk past him on the way to the lift.

"Afternoon. Something's got you in a good mood this fine evening Miss Jackson. I know it is Friday but that's not the only thing that could be making you this happy is it?" He tries his best to form a laugh, wrinkles creasing at the top of his head. Tony is not one to laugh often in his serious workaholic lifestyle.

"Yes it is Friday, but everyone deserves to be in a good mood every now and then right?"

"True, true Ella. I must be going now and so should you. See you tomorrow bright and early." He lightly taps my shoulder before walking towards the interview room. Ooh, new employees maybe?

"Bye Mr Hawk." I yell a little too loudly. I know he heard me, I can see him smiling a little. I'm his favourite employee I know it, he just doesn't want to admit it (sarcasm intended).


"Busy out in the streets tonight?" Pablo asks me as he drizzles the mozzarella cheese onto my pepperoni pizza, making my mouth water at the mesmerising sight.

"A typical Friday as you would call it." I laugh a little before continuing to speak. "Busy in your top of the range restaurant?"

"Well besides you, we have had two customers come in. That's better than last Friday I guess." Pablo sighs. "If only all those people would truly see what those elacarte pizza places are like up the street compared to our shop."

"They don't know what they're missing out on. Besides, it means more pizza for me, right?" I wink at Pablo, trying to wipe that sad look off of his chubby little face.

"No one is a better customer than you Ella." A voice beams from behind me. I jump a little and clutch onto my chest. I turn to find Jacko, Pablo's son with his leather jacket on and helmet in his hands. I take my hand away from my chest and let out a sigh in relief that it's just Jacko.

"Hey, how are you?" I ask, walking over to him and giving him a friendly hug as I always do when he's not busy behind the counter.

"Better now our favourite customer is here, right pops?" He looks to Pablo and chuckles. As he exhales his breath in my face I raise an eyebrow in confusion at the familiar smell. Is Jacko high? Has he been smoking? I remember the smell as one of my apartment neighbours got kicked out from smoking it inside the building. I bet Jacko is high, it explains his sudden odd behaviour. He's usually quiet and holds himself back. Now he's confident and cocky, I don't like it.

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