11 . Bathing

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An: early update in honour of Zayn. Man I miss him so much like you don't know how sad I am. I'm sure everyone feels the same way. Everyone just needs to be here for each other at the moment. And if any of you need cheering up, I have some terrible jokes I can tell you to make you laugh ;).

"Ella we have a dilemma." I hear Harry call from outside in my living room. Right now I'm in my bath, crystallising my bath bombs and soaking in the bubbles. The room smells of vanilla and strawberry, two of my favourite scents in the whole world. I have a bowl of cherries next to me, my all time favourite snack. If I could eat them breakfast lunch and dinner, believe me, I would.

The water is warm, soaking into my skin and making me feel like I'm in heaven. All the stress is free from my mind and I'm just laying here in my bath relaxing.

That is until I hear heavy footsteps getting closer and closer towards my bathroom door. I look towards the door and see a shadow beneath the ample lighting outside. Silly me, I didn't lock the door. I'm so use to never locking it due to never having visitors over except my best friend Amber. I was too busy unwrapping the bath bombs that I completely forgot about the door.

Harry won't come in, right? Who am I kidding. You're a young girl lying in a bathtub naked whilst a guy you hardly know and hooked up with almost a week ago is coming towards the door. Of course he will walk in. Of course he is going to look at me.

My bath has already been ruined due to the stress back inside my head. Four swift knocks are heard from outside the bathroom door, followed by a deep and raspy voice. "Ella, are you still in here?"

"Yes Harry." I try my best to cover my naked body with bubbles just incase Harry walks in and sees me completely unravelled.

"You have shit taste in films, did you know that?"

"You have shit taste in music but you didn't hear me complaining the whole way home, did you?" I snicker to myself, laughing at the memory of me singing awfully along to the music I couldn't even understand just so Harry would turn it off.

"I'm serious Elouise, you're a sick person. Who has a collection of only horror and Disney movies? No inbetween, just those two and mind you, out of the fifty four films, forty seven are horror movies."

"Me." I reply. I hear Harry grunt from outside at my response. "Why, what's wrong with Disney and horror?"

"Everything." Harry mumbles, kicking his foot against the door. " I don't like either of them."

"Can you stop kicking at my door please? It'll fall down if you keep it up."

"I wonder what would happen if I did keep kicking."

"The door would bloody break, that's what. And then you would see me naked here in this bath."

"Oh what a shame that would be." I can literally hear Harry's smirk in his voice. "I might just have to keep kicking."

"Harry I swear to god if you don't stop-"

"You'll do what Ella? Come here and get me whilst your naked?" He drags out the word naked, sending shivers down my spine. I must admit, it sounds mesmerising coming from his lips. His voice unlike anyone's I've heard before. He's one of a kind, Harry Styles and I like that.

"Harry please." I pinch the bridge of my nose, currently losing my patients with this boy by the minute.

"Can we play a game?" I hear him ask, half mumbling but I can still make out what he's saying.

"Awww." I coo, hopefully making him blush. "Little Harry wants to play a game."

"Hey." He twists the door open and bursts into the bathroom.

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