73. Back To England

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"So you're saying you knew David had been back all this time and you never told me?" I ask Harry who is making me a coffee and himself a tea. I'm probably going to lose my job soon with all this time off I've been having randomly but tony has been oddly okay with it which is totally unlike him. I'm going in an hour late but working back tonight so I guess you wouldn't really call that time off, more like re arranging my hours.

"Yes." He answers simply with so much detail. Note my sarcasm.

"So have you thought of what we're going to do?" I decide to not argue with him about keeping it a secret from me because I already know the answer will be to protect you Ella.

"We're?" He repeats the word I used. "You cannot get involved in this."

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that, Styles?" I snicker. "We need to go to the police. They're already after him as they wanted to know about who shot you, so if we tell them where he is-"

"The police cannot be involved." He says sternly, placing my brown mug on the glass coffee table in front of me. I uncross my legs and lean forward to check if it's alright to drink now or I wait a few minutes.

"Thank you" I say, referring to the coffee. "So are we just going to wait here like sitting ducks until he attacks?"

"My mums going back to England today." He changed the topic randomly. I could tell something was on his mind all day, but I just figured it was David.

"Did she say she will be back?"

"I told her I would go visit her as I don't want her here with what's been happening. When I knew David was back I booked her an earlier flight for this week instead of next."

"Why didn't you tell me any of this?" I twist my body to face him and place my hand on his leg to balance myself as I do so.

"I'm telling you now aren't I?" He says blankly and I sigh. "I just hope he doesn't know she's been here or if Gemma is as well."

"Have you been around them in public places?" I ask.

"No" he shakes his head. "Usually I go to theirs or mums hotel. Mum wanted Gemma, Luke and Lottie to move back there and in with her but they have a life here now so they're not moving. I'd rather them be there, it's not safe here."

"Did you tell Gemma David is back?"

"No, I didn't want to worry her but I'm going to tell her today. Do you want me to take you to work and pick you up just incase he's about?"

"No it's fine. I'll make sure no one is following me before I go in and out of work I'll be cautious." I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

"You're sure?"

"Yes Harry." I hum and he takes my hand in his.

"Do you remember what I told you?" He brings our hands to his lips and he kisses my hand a couple of times.

"To text you wherever I am always." I nod and he smiles.



Harry texted me saying Gemma know about David being back and that she is being stubborn and saying she won't watch her back because of some controlling psycho as she wants to live a normal life but Harry reminded her of her little girl and how she must be careful because of Lottie. David is a sick man, who knows what he is capable of.

Luke was shaken up and suggested the three of them got out of New York for a few weeks but Gemma said no. She said the place was too big for David to find her, Harry didn't tell her that she was so wrong.

I'm currently reading reviews on my Miranda Kerr interview. It just aired on tv. It's 5:00 in the evening and I'm so proud of myself because I feel like it went really well and I managed to contain my nerves. Harry keeps sending me pictures of me on tv with him posing and pretending to pick my nose by holding his finger up at the tv at an angle that looks believable that he's picking my nose.

He keeps telling me how proud of me he is and that I'm so much hotter than Miranda Kerr, as if. A few of my work friends are back home watching it too, Perrie and Zayn included.


On my way out from work, Christie one of the girls on my level asked if I could give her a lift home so she is currently walking out with me until I hear someone say my name. It startles me and I get even more shocked when I turn around to see Adam.

Now does he know where I work? Of course, stupid question Ella. It's not hard for him to Google me and see my articles and the hawk publishing logo of the company.

"Leave." I tell him and turn my back. Christie looks so confused. I then feel him grab my arm and I pull it away from him.

"Are you okay?" Christie whispers in my ear and I nod.

"Come back with me Ellie. I promise I won't ever hurt you again." He puts his hands in the praying position. I'm glad I'm not alone, but I'm still scared because I don't have Harry, Jacko or Zayn here to protect me like I have in the past from creeps or like the other day when Jacko protected me when Adam came to his restaurant. "I love you Ella."

"If you really love me then you will leave me alone." I try to hold back my fearful tears.

"Okay." He nods and turns around and walks away just like that. What the heck, since when has he ever done what I said so easily? Maybe he had changed after all but I would never ever get back with him no matter how much he has changed.

Christie questions me on what that was all about and to be honest I'd be confused too if I were her. I told her how he was my ex and that he's trying to get me back which kind of is true but I didn't tell her the whole story as she doesn't need to know that.

I dropped her home and when I got back to my apartment I came in to find Taylor and Louis fighting once again. Taylor wasn't far from giving birth soon so they should be a team, not fighting against one another. The fights seem to be getter worse lately which is why I always crank up the music in my room and have a nice bath that isn't as quiet as I wish it was.

As much as I want to stop the fighting it's none of my business so I just but out of it.

I close my eyes and relax in the bath, trying to forget about all the stressful things in my life for a little while. Which reminds me, I need to text Harry and tell him I'm home safely.

A/N: 7 chapters to go!! I really hope this reaches 200k by the time I finish writing this. Get excited for the next chapter, this one was boring because it's a filler but let me tell you something bad is about to go down!

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