19 . Deal with the Devil

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Monday went by like a breeze. It was a normal day of work except in the afternoon I decided to skip Pablo's pizza place because something suspicious is going on there with him and Jacko. Of course my day was better as I received cute text messages from Harry, some corny knock knock jokes and cheesy compliments. I had to turn my phone off at one point though because he was being very distracting.

It's now Tuesday morning and I'm at work just like I am every Tuesday at this time. Yes; same old, same old boring life of Ella Jackson.

"I really do like the new suit Zayn. I told you that the navy tie would complement your jawline." I touch the silky fabric on his chest.

"You're just saying that because you always have to be right." He sarcastically rolls his eyes.

"It's not my fault that I always am." I run my hands through my hair when I'm caught off guard by my phone vibrating in my hands. "Excuse me one sec." I tell him as I point to my phone which has Harry's smug grin lit up on the screen. I took this photo of him the other night. I can't even remember taking it. I guess you could say I was pretty drunk.

"Harold." I say as soon as I hold the phone to my ear.

"Ah Elouise. Lovely for you to call."

"You called me?" I questionably ask. "You're an idiot."

"I know, I didn't know what to say so that was the first thing that popped into my mind." I can imagine him smirking as he speaks. "Anyway, what are you up to?"

"I'm at work. Just complimenting Zayn on his lovely new suit I picked out for him weeks ago." I glance over at Zayn who is giving me the finger.

"Zayn? Your friend from work?." Harry asks.

"Yes Harry, he is just my friend. My best friend actually. And just for your information he has a girlfriend so please don't beat in his skull." I emphasise the word friend as I have learned that Harry gets jealous quite easily over the most stupid things.

"Girlfriend hey? I thought he'd be gay if he lets you pick out suits for him." He laughs. "I'm joking."

"Harry." I gasp. "I'm actually quite hurt." I put my hand over my heart even though he can't see me. I'm caught up in the moment, it seemed like the perfect thing to do at the time. "At least he wears suits. Unlike you who despises them. You would look so good in a suit Harry."

"Never will I ever wear a suit. I hate them."


"That doesn't matter. What matters is your drunk ass the other night agreed to come to my fight tonight. You in?"

"Harry I was drunk. Please, you know how much I despise violence." I see Zayn snap his head in my direction.

"Please come." Harry begs. "I'll get down on my knees. I'm at the gym at the moment training so there's cameras here if you wanna come by sometime to see proof of how much I am begging."

"Don't do that you fool. I don't want to come to your fight but-" I am cut off by Zayn who is mouthing is that Harry to me. When I nod my head at Zayn, he comes scooting over to my side and pulls the phone off me.

"Hey, Harry from the cafe right? The boxer?" Zayn asks.

"Yes...." I hear Harry's confused raspy voice through the phone. "Who is this?"


"Ella's friend, the suit wearer?" Harry chuckles and I sigh at the fact he emphasised the word friend. Jealous scrag. "How are you man?"

"I'm good. Listen, about that fight." Zayn pauses, waiting for Harry to answer. Harry just hums and Zayn continues. "Ella will go only if you can get her an extra two tickets."

"What?" Harry is quick to ask.

"I can be very good at convincing alright Harry. Just get two extra tickets otherwise I can tell you now that she won't come." Zayn is very good at this manipulation. Will Harry buy it though?

"Fine. Deal." Harry sighs. "Just tell her that I'll send someone to pick her up at seven. I can't get her as my manager won't allow me to leave the arena."

"No worries. Pleasure meeting you." Zayn chirps.

"Yeah whatever." Harry coldly says and ends the call. Zayn's too excited that he got tickets to Harry's fight for free that he doesn't even care about Harry's bitter goodbye.

"Looks like we're going to a boxing match!" Zayn cheers, pulling me into a hug and squeezing me a little too tight. "Have I ever told you I loved you Ella Jackson. You have made my day having that boyfriend of yours."

"He's not my boyfriend." I remind Zayn. "And please let go of me. You're cutting off my circulation."

"Sorry." He apologises, letting go of me and fixing his ruffled hair. "Thank you though for dating, being friends with or whatever your relation is with Harry. Just thank you because now you, Perrie and I get to go to a fight tonight."

"Yay." I sarcastically cheer, throwing my hands in the air. "I can't wait." I cross my arms over my chest, thinking the worst of tonight. I hate violence and I hate seeing the ones I care about getting hurt. I just hope Harry doesn't get hurt tonight because I know Zayn will regret coming because he will have a sobbing mess crying into his shoulder. That sobbing mess would be me.

"Guess what." Zayn smirks down at me.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Don't look at me like that."

"We can call this a double date."

"No!" I accidentally yell. "No." I repeat, but in a much quieter tone. "Harry and I aren't dating."

"Yet." Zayn pokes my arm and wiggles his eyebrows. "You'll end up together, I'm a very good judge of character."

"You're wrong. Harry and I are just friends. We will never date. Not now, not ever." I say. If I'm saying that, then why am I screaming on the inside that I hope that's not true.

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