23. Controlling

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I wake up the following morning with a huge thump in my head. Reoccurring thunder storms bursting through my skull. I have a hangover.

"Where am I?" I whisper to myself. Looking up I am completely unaware of my surroundings until I see some sticky notes on the bedside table beside me.

Had to leave early this morning for training. You looked too beautiful and peaceful to wake up. Help yourself to anything in the house. I'll be home at 12.
- H. xx

Next to that posted note was another one saying:

Take this, you'll need it.

It was a pill that looks to be some sort of panadol. I trust Harry enough to know he won't drug me and by the symbol on the pill I know that this pill will help with my headache and major hangover.

There was a third saying:
Drink this.

Grinning to myself like an idiot, I placed the pill on my tongue and downed it with the glass of water Harry had left me. Although upset by his absence, I do understand that he is serious about his passion and needs to go to training.

I have so many questions in my mind. The two major ones are how the hell did I manage to get drunk and the second is what happened last night? I'm almost certain that Harry wouldn't take advantage of me whilst I'm in a vulnerable state, but then again you never know with that split personality he has.

As much as I want to stay and wait until Harry gets back, I am already extremely late and need to get to work at my own job.

I look down at what I'm wearing and realise that I'm not wearing my clothes from last night. The familiar scent of Harry fills my nostrils as I bring the fabric up to my nose. I'm wearing Harry's signature black t shirt and when I look in the mirror infront of me, I realise that I just might have to keep this. I'm certain he has plenty of the same black shirt anyway.

Finally getting out of which I'm guessing is Harry's bed seeing as it smells exactly like him, I make the bed and run around the house in search of a pen.

Much like Harry's office and room backstage where he warms up for his boxing match, everything is black. I can't help but look around at the black marble flooring, black wallpaper, black furniture and black miscellansions. Although it might not seem nice in words, it is utterly beautiful and truly Harry. The way this broken boy expresses himself really captivates me and I surprisingly love this house. It reminds me so much of Harry and the small number of things I have leant about him these past couple of weeks.

When I see a pen and notepad on the kitchen counter, I write Harry back a note and call a taxi. When I peek out the window through the curtains, I see that thankfully no one with cameras is here like last night. Although I was severely drunk after that, I do remember coming home to that.

I don't know what happened last night, but whatever did happen I woke up a happy girl. Thank you for taking care of me, I really needed that panadol. I'm sorry I couldn't stay to see you as I have to go into work, but I do hope to see you really soon. Once again, thanks Harry.
- Ella xx

"Ella, you're three hours late. What the hell." Zayn throws his arms in the air.

"Hello to you too." I mock as I take my seat in my office. "Thanks for covering for me by the way."

"I was only returning the favour for the front row seats your boyfriend scored us last night. He rang me this morning by the way." He changes his tone once he is settled down. "I still can't get over the fact of how controlling he is over you, but I'm willing to put that in the past as you're here now."

"Controlling? And he rang you, what?" I stand from my seat. "Tell me everything Zayn."

"Well, last night I wanted to take you home but he insisted he did and wouldn't take no for an answer. I'm glad he can protect you, but that guy really has multiple personalities and worried me last night with how demanding he was over you." Zayn plays with the stubble on his chin. "Oh and secondly." He holds up two fingers. "He called me this morning saying you won't be in for half the day, so I wasn't expecting you till a lot later than this."

"He what?" I ask, clearly stunned.

"Harry called in and told me to cover for you as he said he had something planned for the two of you. I don't know what, but don't bite my head off." He holds his hands up in defence as I clench on my bottom lip with my teeth.

"Here I was thinking he was being sweet this morning and now I come in here and find out he is controlling me. I could've called in myself if he didn't get me drunk last night." I tug at the ends of my hair. "I'm so mad. You know how independent I am Zayn!"

"I know you are, but he sure doesn't. And about last night, he didn't take advantage of you did he?" He furrows his eyebrows together in concern.

"No, he didn't I don't think. He's not like that Zayn."

"Good because I don't want to have to get into a fight I'm going to lose and I don't lose to many people." He smirks.

"Get over yourself Malik." I chuckle and he does too. "But thank you so much for covering for me. I really need to get started on my article though."

"Good luck with that." Zayn pats me on the shoulder and walks out of my office and into his own.

I need to focus on my work but I can't get Harry off my mind. I have a billion questions for him and now, the main one is why the hell is he trying to control me.

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