21. Unstable

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Harry hasn't even come out on stage yet and I'm already grieving the violence that's about to occur. If Harry gets severely injured, which Zayn told me is not even a possibility, then I'll become emotionally unstable.

From the whispers I have heard so far whilst sitting in the crowd, Harry is the favourite. I know in the few articles that I read, Harry hasn't been beaten yet. Zayn's also assured me that he will be fine minus a couple of scrapes and bruises, but there's still a possibility that Harry won't win.

Harry doesn't see his mother, but he sees his sister. Why isn't Gemma at the fights? Does she not like violence either, like me? Harry's become such a well known sensation his mother would have to know what her son does for a living. I know that I would never let my son do boxing.

"Welcome folks to round four of our championships." The announcer yells into his microphone, causing me to cringe and cover my ears. Does he not know that the microphone makes his voice carry? He doesn't need to yell that loud. "This long battle has been fought out for two months and will continue for another four until we find our worldwide champion." He goes silent before screaming again. "Who's ready?"

The crowd goes wild and Zayn is one of them, shouting towards the bald announcer man in the black and white top which looks similar to a barcode.

Perrie and I glance at each other, rolling our eyes over the very excited Zayn in between us.

"Let me hear you people, are you ready?" The announcer man tells once again.

"Of course you can hear them you prick now stop making them shout they're breaking my eardrums." Perrie shouts as the crowd starts to mellow down. Not many people heard her, but for the ones who did hear are shooting her awful glares.

"Hey that's rude." I tell the man behind me who is flipping Perrie off. "Please sir if you would like your finger by the end of the night I would put that down if I were you, her boyfriend is a black belt." I refer to Zayn who has mastered in karate. I actually think he's a red belt, but saying one little lie wouldn't hurt if it's worth scaring the guy off.

"Whatever." The gruff man spits and turns his attention back to the ring where the fight is bound to begin any minute now.

"My name is Kevin Hudson and tonight I'll be commentating this event from the sidelines." He finally introduces himself, only for the crowd to scream once again. "Are we ready to bring out our boxers?"

The crowd shouts their responses and begin chanting "Harry Harry Harry" he wasn't lying when he said he was the crowd favourite.


Harry takes the first swing finally as they finishing sidestepping in circles around each other. I really don't get the point of that, but then again I don't know one thing about boxing, so who am I to judge. I'm just here clasping tightly onto Zayn's arm, ignoring all his protests about me cutting off his blood circulation.

Evan ducks, managing to escape getting hit in the face by Harry. Evan then takes a swing at Harry and Harry ducks just as Evan did before. Is this all there's going to be? Hit and miss?

Minutes later and there still has been no action, not that I'm complaining because the less violent this is, the happier I will be when I leave this venue. Just as I think about no action taking place, Harry's glove interlocks with Evans jaw with much force. Evan jolts back before recovering quickly and trying to get Harry back, only to fail miserably and receive a blow to the stomach by Harry's other glove.

Watching Harry push this guy to the ground, beating his face from left to right I can't take it anymore. Seeing the blood spurting out from every feature of Evans face doesn't take to my liking. I let out a squeal and cover my eyes, turning my body and burying my face into Zayn's leather jacket.

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