10 . Pet Peeves

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"So, what did you have planned for tonight until you got the pleasure of seeing me?" Harry asks, his confidence back and evident in his tone. I must admit, his confidence doesn't come off in a rude way, it actually makes him more attractive.

We are now currently in my apartment building, waiting for the lift so that we can go up to my floor. I don't know what will happen in these next mere minutes. Will Harry want to come inside? Should I invite him inside? A million thoughts race around in my mind all at once.

"Well..." I pause, taking a breath to give me time to think about what I'm going to say without it coming off as rude."I was going to have a nice relaxing night including having a bath, reading a magazine and eating pizza. After that I would get dressed into my most comfortable pyjamas and fall asleep on the lounge whilst watching movies."

"So in other words I ruined your lovely girly night ahead?" Harry's smug grin makes its way to his face as the lift makes a dinging noise, notifying us that it is ready to take us up to our level.

"Pretty much Styles."

"Oh, so we're calling each other by our surnames now Jackson?" He grins widely at me as we step into the lift. "What floor?"

"I don't know, are we?" I match his devious grin. "Five."

"Oooh, miss Jackson is on level five hey?" Harry wiggles his eyebrows up and down. I'm currently thankful for this lift having mirrors everywhere. I can see the front of Harry as well as the back in the reflection of the mirror. I take this time to look at his aphotic curls. They are placed disheveledly everywhere on his head, falling into every direction and ending in tiny swirls of ringlets. Harry's hair looks like he's spent hours doing it, but really he probably just woke up like that and his hair has settled into its best position from him constantly running his hands through it.


"You took a while to reply to me there, Ella. Something distracting you?" Harry asks, slowly licking his bottom lip with his tongue. It's almost as if he's trying to tease me. I'm thankfully saved by the lift as the doors open to my level. I'm glad I didn't have to answer that question.

"This is me." I turn to Harry, waving at my door. "It's nothing special."

"I like it." Harry nods his head. "It's the same as every fucking door on this floor, but it may just be my favourite." He sends me a toothy grin. Usually I'm a little thrown off by curse words, but with Harry it somehow suits him and doesn't phase me at all.

"Very funny." I roll my eyes as I search for my key inside my handbag. Once I retrieve it, I slide it into my doorknob and unlock the front door of my apartment. "Did you want to come in?"

"I was hoping you would ask." Harry winks at me as he glides past me and into my apartment.

"Hey!" I click my fingers at Harry. "Shoes off in my apartment. Number one rule Styles."

"Oh sorry Elouise, didn't know you were so fussy." Harry holds his hands up in surrender. He removes his shoes and is about to take his socks off too and I can't help myself. I have to tell him.

"Harry please don't take your socks off." I say awkwardly as I fiddle with my fingers as I always do when I'm feeling awkward.

"Why?" He looks at me like I have two heads.

"I really hate feet..."

"You what?" He falls into a fit of laughter, throwing his head back and clapping his hands. "You make me laugh, did you know that?"

"Harry, I think the whole building knows that. Keep it down a little." I hold my finger over my lips to silence him.

"What happens when you fuck a guy? I bet you're not silent then huh?"

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