48. Secret Source

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Harry's POV:

I've been beaten, bashed and bruised and none of them gave me the pain that the hurt in her eyes gave me. I've broken her heart when it was my job to heal it. I told her I would be there for her, to protect her and to never be like the guy who hurt her those few years ago. Unfortunately to protect her I have had to distance myself from her.

Yes I was angry and jealous over the fact that a pretty girl like her would not be able to go to a party and not get the attention of at least one male. I trust her enough not to have done anything, but to make her hate me is the only way to keep her away. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if David hurt her like he's been hurting me.

The reason why I got drunk in the first place was to numb the pain from my wounds from the previous night. Once again, David paired me up with a guy twice my weight and I won, but only because the image of her got me through it. I couldn't let David get rid of me that easily and especially when I wasn't completely healed from my last fight, I was in no state to fight again.

I was going to break it to her that I could no longer see her that night, but when I woke up with a hangover during the early hours of the morning she was gone. I needed to talk to her, but things always get in the way. It broke my heart to tell her today that I need space, but I didn't want it to be forever. I didn't even want space to begin with, but I can't be selfish and risk her getting hurt. David told me in these exact words "if you don't get rid of her, I will and it won't be someone in the boxing ring getting shot."

When he threatened her life, I knew that I had to let her go. I won't let her go forever though, unless she is happier without me. My sister is moving to New York with Luke and Lottie today and I told them I would help them set up. It's not good timing them coming here with David and all, but I can't let them become suspicious over him. Gemma knows who David is and what he is like, so I know for a fact she will be keeping a close eye on how he treats me. I don't want her to though, I don't want her or Ella getting hurt.

I'm heading to the gym for some light training today. I have a week before my next fight and a whole lot of doctor and physio appointments to attend. After training the boys are coming over and we are having a small get together as we haven't done so in a while. I told them no girls allowed and I mean it. I don't want to get back into my old ways, especially when I'm in love with someone else.

Liam and Niall have just arrived. Ben, Joel and Adam were already here. Joel and Ben Brough over two girls who just so happened to bring a friend each with them. If Ella showed up to my house right now she wouldn't be happy with what she is seeing, but hopefully I was clear to her when I said we need a break.

"Where did all those bruises come from on your face?" The girl with dyed black hair, eyebrows that look like boxes and orange makeup all over her face. It's not her fault but she is so ugly compared to Ella. She's naturally beautiful without even trying, she doesn't need all that shitty makeup.

"Don't you know?"

"Know what?" She asks. Is she really that stupid. Does she not own a phone.

"I'm a boxer." I take a sip of my water. I told everyone it's vodka just so they wouldn't give me shit. Honestly I've never been a drinker and these past couple of times I've drunk are to take my pain away but what I didn't know was they only made it worse.

"So that's where I recognise you from." She laughs and the sound isn't a pleasant one to my ears. "You'd think I would remember a guy as hot as you."

"Thank you."

"You're a really hard person to talk to, you know that." She takes a gulp from her red cup. I don't know what she's drinking, it's probably some expired beer from my untouched rack of alcoholic beverages in the garage.

"I was expecting to have a night with the boys only."

"Oh my bad." She gasps. "I seriously never picked you to be that type."

"What type?" I lean forward and place my cup on the table. I need to piss.

"You know - you're gay aren't you?" She seems embarrassed to say it. Is she for fucking real I'm out of here. I get up and storm into my room. The girl calls after me and I hope that she isn't following me. Just incase she is I lock my door.

I collapse on my bed and lie on the right side. When I roll over I can smell her scent on the left side of the bed. I miss her. I wonder what she's doing right now. Probably with Zayn crying to him over what I tool I am. She's right and I never deserved such a pure and incredible girl like her, but I fell in love with her and she fell in love with me.

I wish I could have her in my arms and tell her that everything will be okay. I want her to have her with me always so I can protect her and things to be normal, but this isn't a fairy tale. We can't be together, not yet anyway.

I can't help but want to know how she's doing though. I can't believe I'm doing this, but I need to find out from a source how she is.

I get up and walk towards my door, opening it. The black haired girl looks at me with compassion and pity in her eyes. She thought I was gay for wanting to hang out with my mates, well she will find me even more of a fag when she sees Niall coming into my bedroom and me locking the door behind me.

"What's wrong buddy? You're so on edge tonight. Are you and Ella in a blew? I heard her crying in her office today."

"She was crying?" My heart breaks. "How bad?" I don't want to hear the answer, but what was I expecting.

"Pretty bad. Zayn was with her and Taylor too. I decided to stay out of it as it wasn't my place. You'd tell me if something was going on between you two right?"

"We broke up."

"What?" Niall looks at me with disbelief. "What did you do?"

"My boss won't allow me to date her and I can't put her at risk. I've told you how he's a dangerous man."

"But you never go into detail about him." Niall sits on the bed. "How dangerous is he Harry? We need to protect Ella."

"That's why I called you in here now. David has eyes on me everywhere so I can't be seen with her, but that doesn't mean you can't. I need you to be my eyes and ears for her." It pains me to say this, especially knowing that Niall is single and is attracted to her.

"You're okay with me hanging around her? That's something I wouldn't be expecting from you." He chuckles, but stops as he sees the stern look I'm giving him. "Ella's a friend and you're one of my best mates so of course I'll help you out. If Ella finds this out though she will kill the both of us."

"Id rather deal with Ella than David." I mumble and Niall raises an eyebrow at me in confusion. I just shake my head and walk towards the door, Niall standing from the bed and following me. "Let's have a good night. That's what you lot came here for right?"

"Now you're talking lad." Niall pats me on the back as we walk back into the living room.

I need to take my mind off her, so I walk towards my garage where the alcohol lays. I shouldn't be doing this, but a little fun never hurt nobody right?


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