27. I'll Regret it in the Morning

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We arrive back at the hotel still holding hands. The journey on the lift up to our room is silent, but it's not an awkward silence. We went to a bar after getting some ice cream on our walk along the pier. For every one cup of water Harry had, I had a two shots, so you could say he's rather sober and I'm rather not.

"I hope you don't mind, but I only booked for one room." Harry says and I move my eyes from the floor to him.

"That's okay." I smile up at him. "But I'm not ready to go to sleep just yet."

"But it's four in the morning Ella."

"Party pooper." I pout and he shakes his head at me. "First you don't drink with me and now you want to go to bed on me."

"I don't need to go to bed. You on the other hand are completely smashed." He laughs breathlessly.

I let out a groan. "I need a shower."

"Care for some company." He smirks and I swat his shoulder.

"We aren't dating, Harold. We can't do that." My drunken words roll out and I know that I'll regret drinking so much tomorrow.

"You're going to keep reminding me of that aren't you?" He sighs. "I'm going to be your fake boyfriend in a week and a bit doesn't that satisfy you enough?" He grins and pulls me closer to him. I yawn into his chest and he chuckles. "You're tired. Perhaps I'll be able to help you peel that dress off."

The lift doors open and I run out of the lift alive and full of energy unlike a minute ago when I could've fallen asleep on the floor. "Maybe you will" I turn around, grinning at Harry and the look on his face is priceless."

"And you say I'm the bipolar one." He shakes his head and begins chasing after me. I can't help but squeal as he catches up to me as I can't run fast in a thick floor length dress and heels. "Shh" Harry presses his hand over my mouth. "You're going to wake everyone up El. It's four in the morning."

"I have work tomorrow." I suddenly realise. "Harry you're going to make me late again." I whine. "I need to be up in an hour."

"Don't go in."

"What?" I shriek. "I'll lose my job."

"For not going in for one day?" He snickers. "Ella, out of your four years working there, how many days have you had off?"


"My point exactly." He swipes the card and I move infront of him. "Elouise I really like this playful side of you, but can we please just get into the hotel room? I meant it when I said we're going to wake people-" I cut him off by kissing him. The tension between us at dinner and at the bar cannot take a toll on me any longer. I needed to feel my lips on his now.

He opens the door and picks me up bridal style before walking who knows where as my eyes are closed, enjoying kissing him. He throws me on the bed and I squeal at the unexpected landing I make, almost falling off until Harry catches me.

"Come on. Let's get this dress off of you so you can have a shower." He says and I nod my head in my energy less state. One minute I'm full of beans and the next I could fall asleep. You can tell I'm not use to being this drunk. "Come here" he tells me and I grin, crawling towards him. "Don't tease me Ella. This has already been hard enough."

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