55. Mr Richardson

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"Hey Luke" I open my door with wide arms as I bring Luke into a hug. The heavenly smell of the steaming chinese food fills my senses as I breathe in and my stomach rumbles as I think of the food that Luke and I are about to eat.

"How have you been?" He knows about Harry - it was on the news as well so everyone would know about it.

"I've been better, but now that you and one of my favourite foods are here I am very happy." I close the door behind him as he slips his boots off and slides them with his foot next to my front door.

"I'm glad. I have a lot to tell you. I was going to call you, but I wanted to tell you in person. Also gives me an opportunity to get out of band practice. I love those lads, but god Michael has been moody lately. I don't know why though."

"I found out information too." I nod my head as I get two plates out for Luke and I as well as cutlery. "And has Michael ever been moody like this before? He seemed fine the other night."

"Yeah I don't know what it is that has come over him. I think he's missing home." He takes the plate from my hands "thanks."

"That's odd. How long have you been away from home again?"

"6 months."

"That's quite a while."

"I know." He hums, dishing some rice onto his plate. "So, about Aleisha?"

"Well, Jacko and I have rekindled our friendship and the other day when I was going to see him I seen a pretty blonde who was working at his restaurant. It's usually only Jacko and his father so I found it odd. They are always barely ever busy, but recently their restaurant has been packed which is odd so I figured they hired a new girl. I then seen her name tag and it said Aleisha and it hit me - Jacko was seeing her. So then I was talking to her and said I know a mutual of hers and I said your name and she just froze. It was almost as if her soul left the place, but her body remained. Pablo, Jacko's dad then came and she asked to go on her break. I didn't see her after that as Jacko and I left." I pause, allowing Luke a moment to take it all in.

"Continue.." He slowly nods his head. It must be hard hearing about her.

"Jacko was so honest with me which made me become open minded to the situation and I believe him. He was at a club and Aleisha was there too. He seen her and approached her. They began dancing and Jacko then danced on her - if you know what I mean." I watch Luke's face as he scrunches up his nose and cringes. "Then Aleisha said no to him, but he didn't take no for an answer as she wasn't pushing him away she just denied him. She by this time still hadn't mentioned she was in a relationship. They then kissed and went to the bathrooms and one thing lead to another. I'm so sorry Luke." I place my hand on his as I can tell he is still hurt by this. "I don't know if this will make you feel any better, but Jacko said they aren't in a relationship. He just seen her as a hook up and she was in desperate need for a job so he gave her one as she moved out of her apartment or something."

"Yeah we lied together and because of what she did we told her she had to move out. Thanks for telling me Ella." He begins inhaling and exhaling rather slowly to calm himself. "I'm glad you told me, but it just hurts. It feels like she's telling me about it all over again. Were they both drunk?"

"I think so." I scoop some more rice onto my plate. "Do you want to tell me what you found out about later? I get it if you need some time to think."

"Na" he shakes his head. "I needed to hear it. I'll tell you what I found out."

"Okay." I take a sip from my water bottle - I decided to have water instead of the lemonade that Luke brought over. I haven't been eating nor drinking healthily lately.

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