64. She Loved Me First

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Harry's POV:

Sweat accelerates off of my forehead and glistens off my chest as I continue to lift the 150kg bars. The doctors strictly told me no lifting, but they're hypochondriacs who do nothing but take things that aren't supposed to be taken. Lives, drugs, blood, air and in my case my future. 

I'm not one to talk about it, I only used to with my mum as a young boy - but I did plan on having kids. I wanted sons and daughters that I could give all my love to as I can't love my own self. I want to protect them and tuck them into bed at night, read them stories and hug them close to me and tell them that I won't ever let anything happen to them. I would stick by my words unlike my parents who said they'd never let anything bad happen to me, but look at me. 

I however, won't get to have that opportunity. I'll probably be alone forever because my sister will move on or hang around families who actually have kids. My mother, lets be honest we probably won't see each other again after tomorrow when we finally meet. My mates will have drunk themselves to the graves or moved on with their lives with their own families. And Ella, she won't want to be in my life. My love won't be enough for her. I know how much family means to her, so I won't ruin her future of having kids just because mine is ruined. I know I'm only in my early twenties, but twenty three is quickly approaching and most people begin having kids in their mid twenties. That's another reason why I didn't want to get back with Ella. It'll only add onto more of the sadness down the track if we are still together when she's lonely and wants a bigger family other than just her and me. 

I drop the bars to the floor as I hear a knock at my door. I'm not expecting anyone and my mates know how much it pisses me off when they turn up without warning. I almost decide against going when I remember that my mum is in town. We haven't verbally spoken, just through email and I strictly told her tomorrow at 11:30am. 

Peaking through the blinds that are beside the front door, I notice a face that is unfamiliar for me. It's probably someone from the media - I could send their asses to court for violating my property. 

His hair is a dark blonde and it's pushed back off of his forehead with a heavy amount of gel. This guy needs to see a stylist or something because that much product can't be healthy. Who am I to judge, not everyone pays as much attention to their hair as me. 

"Can I help you buddy?" I catch him off guard as I swing open the door. He was looking at my gardens, what an odd guy. 

"Harry Styles." He nods his head. "Boy am I glad to see you." 

I stare straight through the guy, trying to act as if I don't care that he's here, but his tone and look of horror in his eyes capture my attention. "Like I just said, can I help you?"

"Can I come in?" He takes a step forward and collides with my chest. He takes a step back and looks down at his black shirt that is sure to have my sweat on it. He stares at my chest and chuckles to himself. "Ella sure likes them fit, doesn't she."

My body goes numb as he mentions her name. "How do you know Ella?"

"Does this ring a bell to you?" The guy puts his hand into the pocket of his coat and retrieves a gun. 

~ Flashback ~

I was on my way to go see Jacko to ask him how Ella has been doing when I noticed  a blonde at the counter instead of him. His father was talking to a customer so I decided to ask the girl if he was in.

"Hello, how can I help you?" She smiles at me before looking down at the bench and begins opening drawers, searching for something. She finally retrieves a pen and notepad and holds it to her chest. She's new for sure. "We have specials -"

"Is Jackson in?" I cut straight to the point. I don't want to sit here and talk about food or the weather with this young girl. 

"No he's not, but I-"

"Thank you. Bye." I turn around and  walk out the door of the pizza shop when a car slowly comes down the empty road. I can feel someones eyes on me and I can hear the car which definitely isn't going the speed limit of 50km/h. They're going very slow - they're following me. 

I tense up and prepare myself for any oncoming people who try to jump me. Looking around the streets, there's no one in sight which means I am alone with whoever is in that vehicle. It's probably David or some of his minors who do his dirty work for him. As I approach the alley way the car turns before I do. I walk at a faster pace, trying to take the back way out of here as it is much quicker. I hear the car stop and a door slam shut. I turn around to see a man in black with his whole body covered so I can't make out who it is. I see a pistol rise in his hands and pointed towards me. 

"Who are you?" I ask, turning around to face the man. There's someone else in the car with him, but their head is lowered so I can't make out who it is. He doesn't say a word, he just walks towards me with the gun still aimed at me. I stand still in my spot, thinking about how I can knock the gun from his hands and get it in my own. The other guy probably has a weapon on him too. I'm out numbered. 

He is right in front of me and I lunge forward, trying to take the gun from his hands and I manage to knock it out. He jumps on top of me as we battle against one another whilst both try to get the gun. I notice a gold plated number on the gun, but only see the first three numbers 787 before more footsteps approach me, followed by a blow to the stomach. I hurl as the bullet wounds me and I am unable to move. One of the guys kicks me in the spot that I have just been shot and I cry out in agony. Someone shouts and the guys run away into their car and drive off like the worthless pussy's they are. Then Jacko came to me and called out to Ella. If they hadn't been in that area, those guys could have killed me then and there or done something but I don't know what. 

~ End of Flashback ~

I stare down at the black object and see the gold plate that is all too familiar with me with the numbers 787 431 909 engraved onto it. I have no idea what that long number means, but this guy is the guy that was involved in my shooting. 

"You fucking shot me." I look from the gun to his eyes and glare at him. "And you ran away like a fucking pussy."

"I'd watch my tone if I were you." He holds the gun up at me, but I don't back down. 

"Did David send you?"

"Who's David?"

"Don't fucking bullshit me. I know he's laying low because he's scared I'm going to dob him in." I push the gun in his hands to his chest to let him know that this is a one on one now and he doesn't have anyone else with him who will come from no where and shoot me. Him and I both know that I will out fight him when it comes to fists. 

"I don't fucking know who David is, but what I want to tell you buddy is you need to leave Ella alone because she loved me first."

I stare at the guy as he smirks up at me. That sly look in his eyes makes me want to puke. This guy is right - he doesn't know who David is, but he is worse. 

Ella has only ever loved one other person other than me and every single piece of my brain is holding me back right now for slamming this guys head into the brick wall. I look around to see no one in the streets approaching as I knock the gun from his hands and throw him up against the wall.

"I see she's told you who I am." He laughs whilst touching the side of his head which collided with the wall. I pick up his gun and stand behind him, pushing him inside my house. "I'm not scared of you Harry."

"Well you should be. Because I'm going to make you hurt physically, just like you hurt her you worthless piece of shit." I kick the back of his legs behind his knees and he falls to the ground. I slam my door shut and lock it. When I turn to face him I remove the bullets from the gun and throw them, along with the gun into the other room. 

"I won't be needing this for what I'm about to do to you."

A/N: So Ella's abusive ex tracked her and Harry down. He's in New York and let me tell you things are about to get twisted. 

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