56. The Big Move

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It's been three days since I called Tony and explained to him how I need a week off. Of course he wasn't easy to convince, but when I told him I needed this time to help me reflect ok my article that is due on Friday he gave in. My article is well on its way.

I've been so busy that I could forget my own name, but no matter how busy I was I never stopped thinking about Harry. I want to go to the hospital to talk some sense into him and to scream at him how much he needs me and how much we need each other, but I'm stubborn and I know that he doesn't want me there.

I wonder how he's taking the news about his surgery and how he's recovering. I wonder if David's been into the hospital or found him after the article I wrote. I've been fine and haven't noticed anyone spying on me surprisingly. But then again I'm never alone, I've been with Taylor these past few days which is the main reason why we both took a week off.

I told David that Taylor and I would work from home when in fact I've given her time off as it'll take her longer to pack her things from her fathers place than me from my small apartment here.

I'll miss this place. It's where I first moved when I came here. It's where I discovered myself and got through life's troubling experiences. I came here a broken girl and I'm still broken, but much less than I previously was. I thought Harry mended the whole in my heart, but now that we aren't together it feels bigger than ever.

I miss him.

Everything is packed into boxes and the removals men are coming by any minute now to take everything I own to my new place. It too is an apartment in another building, but it's closer to work and about ten minutes away from here. It's a two bedroom apartment and the bedrooms are huge, big enough for Taylor and her baby nursery all in one. We are going halves in rent, despite Taylor arguing that she should be paying more as Louis will be there a lot and once the baby arrives there will be two of them. The rent is double what my rent is now at this apartment, but it's almost triple in size and has 24 hour strict security.

It has a large kitchen, a dining room and two ensuites attached to the rooms. There are walk in wardrobes and a lounge room as well so if we were to ever to entertain or have parties for example Taylor's baby shower, we will be able to as the apartment is large enough.

Day two of my day off was spent searching many apartments with Taylor as well as continuing with packing up. Yesterday I spent packing as well and working on my article. This morning I finalised everything and I'm currently working on my article whilst the removalists come.

Taylor and I will be seeing a lot of each other as we work together and will now live together, but her and Louis are experiencing a rough patch but want to work things out for the benefit of their child. Besides, we've got so close these past couple of weeks and we have always shared a bond that I haven't with anyone else. She's like the little sister I've always wished for.


The removalists came and left. They took all my things with them. I do one last run through my apartment, making sure I have everything. Tears form in the brims of my eyes as I am ready to let go of this place but I'm not sure that I want to. The memories that it holds are so special to me, but I'll make new ones that are hopefully more positive. I go into the bathroom and check all the drawers. As I close the bottom drawer I hear a rattle. I open it and close it again and hear the sound of something hit the floor. I bend down and look through it but it's empty. Whatever that noise was, probably a screw has fallen down the back of the cheap cabinet that was already in here when I moved in.

Although struggling, I manage to pull out the drawer and fall back with it in my arms. I place it on the floor and crawl towards the empty drawerless slot that isn't completely empty.

I see a small Polaroid on the floor next to a small charm that is off the necklace Harry got me. I didn't even notice it had fallen off and I have been looking for that Polaroid for a year. It's of my grandma and me. It's my favourite photo of us and one of my only. She gave it to me a couple of weeks before she and my grandfather had their car accident. She told me how much she loves me and to take it everywhere I go when I feel scared or sad.

I was having troubles fitting in at school and cried everyday because I didn't want to go. "Ellie, take this with you everywhere you feel scared or sad. Look at it and hold it to your heart and you will never be alone for I will always be with you dear. I may not always be by your side physically, but I will always be with you in your heart. You are a special girl with a big future ahead of you kid, so remember grandma loves you and is always with you right here" she said and placed the photo on my heart.

through every dark night, there is a brighter day is etched into the Polaroid in my grandmothers cursive writing.

I'm in tears by now and I hold the photo and the charm to my heart. I was always too young to understand what she was telling me, but I've always remembered. It's almost as if it's a sign from her finding the Polaroid next to the charm of Harry's. I have no idea what she's trying to tell me, if anything at all, but something inside of me is telling me that I need to see Harry again. He's already rejected me three times and told me to leave him, so what more is one last time going to do?

I'm already broken anyway and besides, I have this Polaroid again. My grandma will be with me, by my side once again.

A/N: thank you for all your feedback recently. I know you guys want them back together and believe me I do too, but for extra affect they aren't going to reconcile for now, but trust me when I say this it'll be worth it. Love you all xx

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