18. You Don't Own Me

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"You were so good!" I cheer to the couple that's walking off the stage infront of us. I take another sip of my drink and Harry blocks his ears from my screams. I scream again right into his face just to annoy him.

"Shut up would you. No more drinks for you." He says and takes my cup from me and hands me his which has water in it. He's been drinking water all night, using the I cant drink I'm driving you home excuse.

"Fine then. No more kisses for you." I spit back and he gasps in utter shock before handing me back my drink. "Thank you Mr Styles."

"You aren't welcome." He rolls his eyes.

"Do we have anymore volunteers to come up on stage and sing the next song which is...." The host says and presses a button on the jukebox to shuffle a new song. "... you don't own me by Lesley Gore."

"I love that song!" I squeal and tug on Harry's arm. "Can we please go up and sing Harry, please?" I feel like a child behind their parent. It must be the alcohol making me like this.

"I hate that song." He groans. "So no."

"Harry!" I beg him once more and run my hands through his curls, bringing his face down to mine. "I'll let you kiss me again." I whisper.

"No. I hate singing Elouise." He mumbles, pushing me away slightly.
"Nothing you say will make me want to go up there."

"I'll go to your boxing match." I blurt out and regret it as soon as I do. I swear it is the alcohol speaking for me.

"You will?" He asks in both excitement and shock. "After about an hour of me trying to convince you tonight, you finally agree now?"

"I don't want to go because you know how much I despise violence, but I really want go go up on stage with you so it's something I'm willing to do.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this." He sighs, taking a step back from me and running his hands through his hair. "Come on, let's go." He grabs my hand and pulls me with him as we head for the stage.

"Oh and we have some volunteers. Come on up you love birds." The announcer guy claps his hands together as we approach him. "So what are your names?"

"I'm Ella and this is Harry." I introduce us because I'm sure as hell Harry wouldn't do it.

"Well hello Ella and Harry. I know who you are Styles, I seen you box a few months ago. Let's see if you can sing as good as you can cause concussions." The man laughs at his own joke and I just smile politely. Harry on the other hand is glaring at the guy, not saying a word.

"So can we begin?" I ask and he gives Harry and I a microphone each before mouthing good luck and walking off the stage.

"I can't believe I agreed to this shit." Harry mutters under his breath and I turn to face him. "You owe me one good fucking kiss Jackson because I'm about to sing infront of a crowd full of drunk people who-"

"Harry." I cut him off. "You said it yourself, they're all drunk just like me so they won't remember any of this. Just think about the kisses you're going to get after this and sing your little heart out."

"Kisses?" His face lights up.

"Hmm, I guess you'll soon find out won't you." I wink at him and he leans forward, shaking his hair around before standing back up straight, clearing his throat and getting ready to sing.

"Let's go Styles." I say before the music starts.

You don't own me, I'm not just one of your many toys - I start off the song and sing first.
You don't own me, don't say I can't go with other boys - I continue and glance over at Harry who hasn't started singing yet. I decide to not sing the next line. Harry needs to sing not just me.

And don't tell me what to do
And don't tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don't put me on display, 'cause - He finally sings and I almost drop my microphone. If I'm being completely honest I thought Harry would be terrible. I thought the best he could have was an okay voice but my goodness to say good is an understatement. I never ever swear but Harry's voice is fucking fantastic.

"Harry." I say into my microphone.

"Shut up don't ruin my jam sesh." He says back and I laugh at him.

You don't own me, don't try to change me in any way
You don't own me, don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay

Oh, I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you - we both sing together as a duet and our voices actually don't sound too bad together.

I took singing lessons when I was about eight years old so if I'm being honest I've had a pretty good voice, but Harry puts me to shame. I decide to not sing anymore because I'm too lost in Harry's voice. It's mesmerising.

I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want
To say and do whatever I please

A-a-a-nd don't tell me what to do
Oh-h-h-h don't tell me what to say
And please, when I go out with you
Don't put me on display

I don't tell you what to say
Oh-h-h-h don't tell you what to do
So just let me be myself
That's all I ask of you

I'm young and I love to be young
I'm free and I love to be free
To live my life the way I want.

When he finishes the song he snatches my microphone out of my hands and throws both of ours on the ground. I don't even have time to yell at him for handling the two objects that don't even belong to us, but before I can speak my words are being swallowed into Harry's mouth.

He smacks his body onto mine, sending me stumbling back until he catches me in his arms. Harry grabs my hands and wraps them around his broad back. He takes his own hands to my hair and pulls my face closer to his as our lips collide.

"This is the kiss you owe me princess." He breathes into my lips before smashing them together harder than I've ever been kissed before.

This is the first kiss I've had that I haven't thought about him. It's the first time I've been able to forget him. And that is all thanks to Harry.

An: I haven't done one of these in a while. Please vote for this chapter it only takes a few seconds. If you have any questions you can also comment them here or even if you have any good ideas for this story. I will reply to them all here so yeah if you're curious about anything feel free to ask! Ily all xo

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