38. Dead

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"I am so proud of him." Luke claps his hands together. "Go the underdog."

"So am I Luke." I can't wipe the smile off my face. But that smile soon fades when I hear a gun shot go off in the distance followed by a loud manly groan. I turn my head and run towards the ring.

"Harry!" I cry out, ignoring the tears that uninvitingly have made their way to my face. I can't see the ring from where I am as the crowds of people are all surrounding it. "Harry" I continue to shout over the people. I try my best to push through as many of them as I can so that I can get to the front. My heart is beating one hundred miles per hour and I begin to feel faint. I have never been so terrified in my life and the gunman could be anywhere, but all I care about is Harry's life, not my own.

Ignoring the curses that people send my way, I continue pushing my way through. I may be small but if I need to push myself through a crowd I will find a way. When I get close enough to the boxing ring I see a figure lying on the ground with a small pool of blood beside them. By their side is a group of paramedics trying to keep them alive. Crouching down behind the figure is a toned, bronzed back with beads of sweat from sweat from his rural curls which lay just above his shoulders. I sigh in relief when I see that Harry is alive and he wasn't the one to be shot. I look back to the body on the ground to see Harry's opponent with now an oxygen mask and being lifted onto a stretcher.

Security guards then pull Harry up and cover him with the three of their own bodies. I call out to him repeatedly, trying to be heard over all the other shouts. As he ducks under the rope surrounding the ring his eyes meet mine and he immediately stops and stands back up straight. He says something into one of the guards ears before pointing over to me.

The large, dark man dressed in black nods his head and makes his way towards me. I try to push my way to the front, but no one wants to miss the action of the poor man with a bullet wound being carried away on the stretcher.

"Excuse me, make way for this young lady" the security man tells the group of people in front of me. When only a few people listen to him, he says it again and crouches down so that he is on our side of the ring. He moves his hands, telling the people to move aside and they finally do. He holds his hand out to me and I take his hand as he pulls me up onto the boxing ring. I slide under the rope and follow the man in the same direction Harry was just escorted to by the other security guards.

When we are through the crowds and backstage, I see Harry with another set of paramedics assisting his badly beaten up face. When he sees me he pushes the hands off of his face and runs towards me.

"Ella, thank god you're okay." He pulls me into his arms and has one hand on my head and the other on my back. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head into his chest. I listen to his heartbeat and it is the best sound I have ever heard seeing that not even ten minutes ago I thought he was the one who had been shot and could possibly have been dead.

"Me okay? Harry, you're the one who I am glad is okay look at you" I examine his face that is swollen. You can barely see his eyes as they are as swollen as his busted lips. "He really messed you up Harry, I would never wish it upon anyone but he deserved to be shot for the way he hurt you."

"I hurt him just as good. And besides, it was all David's doing."

"Do you think David shot him?" I ask in shock, although it wouldn't surprise me as he is quite capable of doing something like that.

"No he didn't. I was watching him the whole time but that doesn't mean he didn't pay someone else to do it just like he paid the guy to beat me up." He sighs. "He is so dangerous Ella and I am so sorry I have brought you into this mess."

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