58. Broken

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Harry's POV:

Reading the words over and over again, pinching myself to make sure that this isn't a dream. She wrote this from the bottom of her heart and it hurts me. It hurts me to know that I hurt her this bad. I still love her. I discharged myself to go home yesterday. I can walk but I'm in agony. There hasn't a day that's gone by where I haven't thought of her. Gemma would scream at me everyday and tell me how much of an idiot I am for letting her go. I told her not to contact her because she needs to be free from me.

My mum somehow found out about it too. I haven't heard from her in years and suddenly she contacts me. She emailed me. Email. I'm her son, you think if she really cared that her only son got shot she would come to New York. Gemma thinks I should take it easy on her and just meet up with her, but there's no way I'm flying to the uk.

This article Ella wrote proves how much I hurt her continuously and I hate myself for that which is more of a reason as to why I need to ignore my feelings for her and let her go. She deserves so much better than me.

I drove by her apartment today as David has left me alone for the time being. He was mad about Ella's article that she wrote about the accident. It was written in anonymous but he and I both know it was her. The cops came in and told me someone filed a report. I know that was her too, but thank god David doesn't know the cops are looking for him. He's out of town for now, but he will come back. He had to give me time off for now I mean I can barely move and I'm in excruciating pain. I didn't tell the doctors that though. I lied, I'm good at that. I told them I've never felt better so they discharged me.

I throw the article on my bed and ignore the streaks of pain that I feel in my lower abdomen as I pull my shirt over my head. As quick as my body will let me, I grab my keys and head towards the garage.


Driving through the exposed streets where she parks her car it's as empty as ever. Her spot is vacant which is unlikely at this hour in the afternoon. She must've stayed back at work.

I drive to the familiar building where we shared our last intimate moment. I wonder if she thinks about it each time she walks into her office. I was hoping for that affect at the time, but now I just want her to forget about me. She will probably end up with that Luke guy anyway. Niall told me he was at her house the other day and he's been glancing over the shoulder whilst she's been texting him. He seems like a good guy. I hate him as I love her, but this is what she needs. She needs to be with someone else to be happy. My life is too dangerous for someone as precious as Ella.

I don't see her car in her usual spot in her office either. It's barricaded off by fences but I can still see through. I know she's safe in her work building because there's security and cameras everywhere. I would go in and ask Tony where she is, but he will ask questions and I could risk running into someone she knows like Zayn or Taylor. I'll call Niall.

"Hey mate" he answers the phone. "What's up?"

"Are you still at work?" I cut straight to the point.

"I'm great thanks for asking" he remarks sarcastically. "No I'm not and I know what you're about to ask me. Ella isn't either, she took the week off last week and came back today but she left early. Tony is so happy with the success of her article that he said she can have a month off and still be welcomed back to the place."

"I'm happy to hear she's doing well. Do you know where she could be?" I'm proud of her and her article made me, Harry Styles cry. Ruined my pride through writing. No one knows I cried though. I was home alone just like I have been the past two days. I told Gemma I wasn't up for visitors yet.

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