45. Luke

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"Come on Harry, sit still I need to put your seatbelt on." I tell him, fighting his hands away from my body as he tries to touch me. I managed to place him into the passenger seat of my car and putting his seatbelt on is now the biggest struggle.

He has had so much to drink and has pretty much been clinging to me the entire rest of the party. Liam suggested they go out and party on, but Niall managed unpersuaded him into not going thank goodness. Now I am left with a drunk Harry who needs to drink plenty of water and go to sleep. Of course I'm not taking him to his house because I'll be just sitting there bored, so I'm taking him to my house where I can keep a close eye on him and get some work done.

My article is due soon and I have a few ideas what to write about, so that's how I plan to spend my night.


"Harry, I'm serious you need to sleep." I stand from my computer table and grab his arm, leading him back to my bed.

"It smells like you. I like it." He smiles, snuggling into my pillow. As adorable as he is, I can't fall for his little game. "Come join me?"

"I can't. I have work to do."

"You're a party pooper. Not fun at all." He pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "You took the fun out of funny."

"And you took the hiber out of hibernate, now take some of your own advice and sleep."

"I'm too drunk to understand what you just said."

"That's exactly my goal, to confuse you into sleeping." I pull the sheets over him and walk towards the door.

"You and your stupid high journalist vocabulary." He groans. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I sigh before turning off the light and closing the door. Fingers crossed he remains asleep.

I go back to writing my article as I was on a role before Harry began disturbing me. I've lost all my concentration now, I think I've tired myself out. I have 350 words which isn't much, but it's a start so I'm going to give myself a rest now.

I decide to give Perrie a call and ask if Zayn is alright. He was too overprotective today, but I know he only has my best interest at heart.

"Hey babe, how are ya?" She chirps, answering the phone in her usual positive tone. She's always happy and brightens the mood.

"I'm good Pez, a little tried from everything that happened today but you know, tomorrow's a new day. How are you?"

"I'm great, we were so busy at the salon today so I had no chance of making it in time to the party. Zayn was in a shitty mood anyway." I can just imagine her rolling her eyes as she says the last time. Does she know that the reason for his bad mood is me?

"I think I'm the cause for that bad mood."

"Why? Did you mess up his hair or something?" She laughs and I can't help but do the same.

"Where do I begin? So, we were having a great time and then Harry showed up drunk when last night we kind of had an argument which left us not on speaking terms. He came and acted as if everything was normal and I was such an idiot but I'm in love with the guy so of course I fell for his act of telling me to go to my office so we can talk. We barely spoke we-"

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