14 . Grown Men Cry

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When I cry, it hurts. When I see others cry, especially the ones who I care about and don't deserve it hurt even more. Seeing Harry cry for the first time about how messed up his life is felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. I thought I was trapped and that my life was messed up, but Harry's tops mine. Sure I lost my parents, but at least I know they loved me. Harry on the other hand has parents who are living out there, but either hate him or don't want to see him. He's trapped in a career that if he tries to end it, it's pretty much like holding a gun to your head. Whoever that David guy is, if I seen him on the streets he would receive my filthiest look and I wouldn't hesitate to stick my foot out if he walked by me.

"Are you sure you're alright Harry?" I already know the answer, but I thought I'd ask anyway.

"Yeah, I'm just a big sook. See what you do to me Ella? I haven't cried in years, since I was a young boy even. I only met you a week ago and I just cried infront of you." A puzzled look is plastered on his face. He smiles down at me and takes my hand in his. "I really trust you Ella and I care for you. I just want you to know that."

"I care you you and trust you too Harry." I lean forward and hug him. His broad shoulders are so comfortable and warm to cuddle into. He's like a giant teddy bear, but so much warmer and comforting.

"Shall we continue to play?" Harry wiggles his eyebrows up and down.



We have played the game for almost an hour now. Time has just flown by and we haven't even eaten or watched a movie yet.

"I have two questions left to ask you Miss Jackson and you have one left to ask me." Harry taps his chin, thinking of something important. "I think I'll save my two questions for the future, they might come in handy."

"Well then, I'll save my one question." I cross my arms over my chest. "This doesn't count as it, but what do you want for tea? I'm starving."

"I was going to say pizza, but memories from earlier on in the night kind of made me lose my pizza appetite." Harry chuckles and stands to his feet, holding out his hands. I grab onto his hands with my own and he lurches me up off of the lounge so that I'm standing too. "Do you have pastry?"



"Brought it last night and froze it so yes." I nod my head.


"Yes Harry."

"That settles it." He claps his hands together and grins happily. "You Miss Jackson are about to try Harry Styles famous lasagne."

"You're going to cook. For me. In my house?"

"If that's alright with you?" He questions.

"Harry, that's more than alright!" I squeal like a little girl.

"Alright then, you go keep yourself occupied and I'll call you when I'm done." Harry smirks, shewing me out of my own kitchen.

"Alright Harold, I'll go fetch some dvd's, give me a yell if you can't find any ingredients." I send him a toothy grin before exiting my kitchen and go on my way to find a movie to watch.


In movies you usually smell the delicious food from all locations of the house and because you're so hungry your mouth waters from the scent alone.

Well it's not like any of those movies right now.

Instead all I smell is burnt charcoal. I can hear my fire alarm going off and pots crashing around everywhere. I sigh, getting up from my comfortable spot on the lounge and going into the kitchen to help Harry. I've had my laughter and fun listening to him struggle, but now I think it's time I should go and help him before he burns the building down.

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