43. Why Can't We Be Like That?

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The journey home was long and boring. My uber driver wasn't much of a talker. The only sound is the music on the radio. I can faintly hear it, it's a song that I've heard briefly before but never listened to the words.

"Why can't you hold me in the street and kiss me on the dance floor
I wish that we could be like that
Why can't we be like that? 'Cause I'm yours

We keep behind closed doors
Every time I see you, I die a little more
Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls
It'll never be enough
It's obvious you're meant for me
Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly
Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep
But I'll never show it on my face

The more I listen to the song, the more I feel as if it relates to Harry's and my relationship. I have never been able to relate to a song so much as this one. It's as if it was perfectly made for us because Harry is a different person when it's just us, but around other he won't hold me or be like a normal couple. I wish that we could we be like that, why can't we be like that?


When I arrive home my apartment is as it always is - clean. I haven't been here in over a week though so I need to vacuum and dust. I've enjoyed my two weeks with Harry and our little holiday time together. Unfortunately it's had its ups and downs though such as Harry getting seriously injured and the experience of seeing a man get shot.

After an hour of cleaning my stomach rumbles as I realise I haven't eaten yet and it's almost lunch time. I'm craving something I haven't had in a while - pizza. Being the fussy person I am, I only enjoy one type of pizza as they make it with the perfect amount of cheese that I love. I don't know why but other pizzas make me feel sick whereas Pablo's wood fired pizza has no affect on me.

Besides, I do really miss Jacko's company. He has been a good friend to me for years now. Maybe he's been acting strange due to girl problems, who knows with him.

The same song is on the radio with the lyrics that symbolise Harry and I. Is that a coincidence or what?

When I arrive in the street, I park in the same spot where I got my flat tire. I can see Jacko sitting at a table in the restaurant on his phone.

As I walk in he doesn't turn around to see who it is and Pablo must be out back cooking for what amazes me to be an almost full restaurant. It's never been this busy in my entirety of living in New York.

"Wow, business looks good here." I chirp, walking towards Jacko and the table he is at. He jumps up in his seat and turns to look at me with the expression as if he's seen a ghost. "Sorry, did I startle you?"

Without responding, he looks out the door and around the restaurant before pulling me by my arm into the back room.

"Hello to you too" I roll my eyes sarcastically at him. "Is everything okay?" I ask, slightly concerned with his odd behaviour.

"You can't be here Ella. You can't come here anymore." He tells me and the sincerity on his face tells me that he doesn't mean what he is saying.

"What? Why? I'm your best customer."

"It's just not good for me to be seen talking to you. I can't say why, but you have to trust me when I say stay away."

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