16 . Playing Hard to Get

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It's Sunday morning, my day off and the only thing on my mind is Harry. I'm contemplating whether or not to message him and ask him how he went in his fight. I'm sure he won, but it's a conversation starter I guess.

Guys love girls who play hard to get and that's exactly what I'm aiming to do towards Harry. Despite the fact that we've already seen each other naked, kissed numerous times and Harry's slept over, those don't mean a relationship so Harry hasn't fully proclaimed me yet.

My phone buzzes and snaps me out of my daze over Harry. Speaking of Harry, his name lights up my screen.

Harry: Good Morning ;) x. H

He signs off his message with H, really? Wow Harry I had no idea it was you, I thought it was Jesus. I decide to wait a couple of minutes to reply back. I wouldn't want to reply straight away and make it seem like I've been constantly checking my phone to see a message from him. Which I may or may not have been doing.

Ella: Good Morning Harry. How'd you go last night? :) x

Should I send it? Yes I should. I sent him the message and seconds later my phone starts vibrating. Crap, he's calling me. Stay calm Ella, act cool and just answer it. I slide my finger across the screen to answer my phone.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone, knowing its Harry because his caller ID came up.

"Hey El. It's me, Harry." His raspy voice says through the phone. He must've just woken up because it's deep and raspy like it was yesterday morning.

"I know." I smile even though he can't see me. "You didn't answer my question in my text."

"Thinking about me were you?" I can hear his smirk through the phone. I don't even have to be near him to know he's smirking.

"Don't flatter yourself Styles. I have plenty of things to do other than think of you." I say, not meaning to sound rude but more sarcastic.

"Ouch." I hear him deeply chuckle. "If you're so busy, then what are you doing today?"

"Uh.." I try to think of something to say. I'm really not doing anything. "I'm probably going to work on my feature article or brainstorm some ideas."

"For the whole day?"

"I don't know Harry. I like to take my Sunday's as it comes. I might go shopping, I might not. I truly don't know yet." I sigh.

"Okay then." Is all he says. What, is he not going to ask me anywhere? As much as I'm playing hard to get, I was kind of hoping he would ask me out. If I'm being quite honest I wouldn't mind seeing his charming self and beautiful face.


"What?" He chuckles once again.

"Is that all you were ringing for?" I ask. "And what's funny?"

"Nothing, don't worry Ella." He says breathlessly.

"Oh trust me Harry, I'm not worried at all. Now you still haven't answered my question. How did you go last night?"

"I won." He chirps happily. "Again."

"Well done." I congratulate him.

"Are you proud of me El?" My heart melts at him using that name for me for the second time in this call. When I'm done fangirling I realise he's waiting for an answer.

"Most definitely." I say sarcastically. "So, if you don't mind me I have some brainstorming to do."

"You're leaving me?" He almost sounds upset. I can imagine his bottom lip pouting slightly.

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